Page 21 of Ember In The Heart

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I had to end it.

Because I was falling in love with a man eleven years my junior who cared way too much for his parents’ opinion.

“Don’t go,” Foster whispered, reaching for me as I moved to slide out of his huge bed.

While we tried to find moments to meet while Georgie was at school, between both our jobs it was almost impossible. We’d instead fallen into a routine of me sneaking into the house once Georgie was asleep.

“I better,” I whispered back. “We don’t want to wake G.”

“We won’t.” He rested his head on the pillow near mine and tugged on my hip in a silent demand for me to turn toward him.

I did. “You okay?”

Foster grinned. “What? You’re surprised I want to spend time with you not having sex?”

“We spend time not having sex.” In fact, our weekends with Georgie were the best. I’d never seen Foster so relaxed.

“I mean alone. Just you and me.” He brushed my hair off my face, his expression tender and affectionate and so very not good for my heart. “Do you want kids? You’re so good with G.”

Shocked by the question, it took me a minute to answer. “I … yeah, if it’s in the cards for me. I’d love at least one.”

“You’d make a great mom.” He kissed my nose. “How are your sisters? I mean, I know how Jade is because Colt’s told me.”

I grimaced. “I feel for her. Jade is so not an elaborate, spectacle kind of person but this wedding planner they hired is going all out and just constantly bombarding Jade with questions. She feels like the wedding has taken over her life.”

“Colt feels the same. He told Jade to fire her and they’d have a small wedding instead.”

“Which is sweet and she appreciates it, but they’ve already put money down on deposits and … well … I think she thinks it’s good for your business image. To have a big, lavish wedding.”

“It is always good to advertise success when you can, as crass as that sounds.” Foster frowned. “But not to the detriment of the wellbeing of someone we love.”

I reached up to stroke his cheek, enjoying the feel of his stubble prickling my skin. “That is appreciated. Jade, however, is much tougher. than she looks. Schools out for the summer, so she has more time on her hands to deal with it. And it’s not long now. Once it’s done, it’ll be done. Besides, she is looking forward to the honeymoon. A week in Japan followed by a week on some luxury resort in Bali? Uh, yes, please. Lucky duck.”

“Have you traveled much?”

“No.” I lowered my gaze. “We traveled around the States with Mom and Dad when we were kids. But I’ve never had the time to travel farther afield. Or the money.”

“You own your own business.”

“Yeah … so I could afford to travel, but I like having a nest egg in case something happens.” I met his gaze. “Mom and Dad left us the house. No mortgage. My dad inherited it and then we inherited it. And they left us some money which helped to take care of the costs of living in it. But it was a struggle for a while. We were on a tight budget and couldn’t afford much else besides the essentials. The girls decided not to go to school and I still don’t know if that was based on what they actually wanted or if they just thought we couldn’t afford it. I put myself through my massage therapy qualifications and took out a bunch of loans to make the business work and I’m still paying those off. So … traveling … not so much for me.”

Foster caressed my waist and hip in a soothing, comforting gesture. “You’re amazing, you know that.”

I smirked. “If you say so.”

“No, I’m being serious. You sacrificed so much for you family. I admire that.”

“It didn’t feel like a sacrifice.”

“Which makes you all the more magnificent.”

I grinned. “Magnificent. Ooh I like that word.”

But Foster didn’t smile, he pressed closer to me, his expression intense. “I want to take you to Bali or wherever it is in the world you want to see.”

Just like that my humor fled. “Foster…”

Realization flashed in his eyes and he lowered his gaze, hiding it from me. Yet he didn’t let go. In fact, he banded his arm around my waist as if he didn’t want to let go of me ever.

Feeling incredibly sad all of a sudden, I leaned in and caressed his lips with mine. “I gotta go.” I wiggled against his hold and instead of releasing me he pushed me onto my back and kissed the breath right out of me. “Foster,” I panted.

“I want you again,” his voice was gruff, his countenance almost savage with desire.

Heat flickered low and deep in my belly and I melted into the bed, too eager to let him inside.

Tags: Samantha Young Romance