Page 17 of Ember In The Heart

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And that’s when I heard Foster reply, “Not really. She just watched G for a few days while I searched for a nanny. That’s all. We barely know each other.”


Rot. In. Hell.

I glared as I hurtled across the pool.


I was so mad at him I was hallucinating his voice?


I paused mid-stroke.


Turning my head, I caught sight of a shadowy figure leaning over the fence.


“What do you want?” I asked flatly.

“Can you come over here?”

Screw you, asshole. “Not really?”

“Look, I can’t be long. My parents are still here … but G was asking for you a lot after we saw you today and I wondered if maybe she could hang out with you one evening this week?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Guilt consumed me but I couldn’t be around someone like Foster.


“Because I have very good hearing. You said we barely knew each other, which is a lie. And I don’t associate with people who are too embarrassed to properly introduce me to their parents.”

Silence reigned from the other side of the fence.

My hurt and rage built so I started to swim, ignoring his presence.

A few minutes later the sound of water splashing at the other end of the pool startled a cry from me and I whirled around to see Foster swimming toward me.

What the hell?

I backed up away from him. “What are you doing?”

His face was grim. “Apologizing.”

Scowling, I shook my head, grateful when he stopped before we touched. “You can’t apologize for a fundamental personality flaw. You clearly think it matters what family a person is born into and I don’t. And I can’t be friends, or associate with anyone, who would think I’m less worthy because of who my family is or isn’t. By the time you get to my age, Foster, you’ll realize none of that shit matters.”

Frustration flashed in his gorgeous eyes as he floated before me.

In nothing but his boxer briefs, I realized.

Heat flushed through me and I hated my attraction to him more than ever.

“I already know that shit doesn’t matter. I do. But my relationship with my family is complicated. However,” he moved closer to me, “That does not give me the right to treat you that way.” Remorse softened his gaze. “I hurt you and I hurt G… and that’s not on.”

Confused, I looked away. “I … what do you want from me?”

“You don’t want the answer to that question.”

My breath caught at his hoarse response and I finally looked at him.

His desire was there, darkening his expression, his features taut with it.


Suddenly he wrapped a hand around my nape and dragged me across the water to collide against his hard body as his mouth crushed over mine. Foster groaned, the vibration of it sparking my arousal, like hands down my body, fingers teasing my nipples, whispering across my belly and sliding home between my legs. His kiss grew harder, more demanding and desperate. We panted into each other’s mouths, refusing to break the kiss, as if afraid we’d never do it again.

When I became aware of his erection digging into my stomach I was lost. Arousal was a luscious flip, deep and low between my thighs. My desire grew as Foster’s hand slid up my waist, brushing my heavy breast and coming to a stop at the string halter. He broke the kiss, pulling back only an inch to gaze into my eyes. His lips were swollen from my kiss, his eyes dark and wicked.

He tugged on the bikini string and I gasped as the wet material fell into the water, revealing me to him.

“Jesus, fuck,” Foster groaned. “Jesus, fuck, you’re so beautiful. So sexy.” He cupped my naked breasts and shivers of need skated through me. Arching my back, my nipples tightened in the cool air and my breasts swelled as Foster’s thumbs caught on the tight points.

Then he lifted my right breast as he bent his head and his mouth was on me.

I reached for the back of the pool for purchase, struggling to contain my cry of pleasure.

“Foster, we can’t… ah…” he sucked hard, causing bolts of lust to shoot between my legs. “Not here. Anyone might see us.”

That seemed to be the splash of cold water he needed.

Foster lifted his head but pressed his body against mine, up against the wall of the pool.

He throbbed against me.

Then he kissed me again.

Hard, hungry as he squeezed and caressed my breasts like he just couldn’t help himself. Finally, he released my mouth, the bristle of his unshaven cheeks scratching against my skin as he whispered in my ear, “This is far from over.”

Then he pushed away, swimming at impressive speed across the pool.

My fingers trembled as I grabbed at the strings of my bikini top and fumbled to cover myself. Foster hauled himself out of the pool, his boxer briefs clinging to the muscles of his perfect ass. He shot me a look of dark promise over his shoulder, then bent down to scoop up his clothes.

Tags: Samantha Young Romance