Page 14 of Ember In The Heart

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He looked away as he felt hot blood travel south.

Just looking at her in public was making him hard, like he was a fucking teenager all over again.

“Daddy, I’m going back to the water with Em.”

“Okay, angel.” That was fine with him.

He needed a minute.

Slumping down on the towel, he made the mistake of watching Em walk away with G.

Her ass was almost as good as her tits.

Then he became aware of something that really pissed him off.

He wasn’t the only one staring at Ember Bonet. His gut twisted in annoyance.

While there were plenty of gorgeous women on the beach, Ember stood out because of her overt curviness, her natural sexiness just oozed from her.

To his agitation, Foster realized he didn’t want other people to see that in her.

He wanted her all for himself.

And wasn’t that a very dangerous thought.

Not long later, G and Ember returned and he refused to stare at Ember in her wet bikini. It might kill him. Instead he focused on making sure G was fed. She’d just finished her sandwich when a little girl came over and asked her if she wanted to build sandcastles with her. At his nod of permission, the two girls set up camp between both their parents’ spots on the beach and played together.

“She’s doing great. I see such a change in her in just two weeks.”

Foster turned to Ember. “Yeah, it’s great. You’ve been a huge help, thank you.”

“It’s been my pleasure.”

Christ, even just hearing her use the word pleasure got him hot.

This was ridiculous.

And even though he told himself to change the subject to anything that might distract him from his attraction to her, the next thing he blurted out was, “So, I take it you’re not seeing anyone?”


He couldn’t see her eyes behind her glasses but her lips parted as if he’d surprised her.

“I mean, I haven’t seen you with anyone.”

Ember leaned back on her hands, stretching out her legs. His gaze dropped to her thighs and he swallowed hard. “No, no boyfriend.”

He dragged his gaze up to her face again. “Why?”

She gave a huff of laughter. “Because I haven’t met anyone lately.”

Me. You’ve met me.

Jesus, Foster, don’t be stupid.

Pushing away his inner dialogue he prodded, “But there have been boyfriends, right?”

“Right.” She grinned. “There have been a few.”

“None of them felt like marriage material?”

Say no.

Her silence spoke for itself and his stomach dropped.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—”

“No, it’s okay. I just … I don’t want you to think badly of my sister if I tell you.”

Foster raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”

Ember turned into him. “There was someone. We dated for a few years and I honestly thought he’d pop the question at my thirtieth birthday. He didn’t. Instead, Luna, my youngest sister, got drunk and stripped off. Apparently, this got him so hot he couldn’t help himself.”

“You’re kidding me?”

She shook her head, her lips pinched together. Then, “They started seeing each other behind my back that night. I found out weeks later when I walked in on them having sex in his apartment.”

Jesus Christ. The betrayal… anger churned in his gut. Ember had given up her education to become Luna’s guardian and she’d thanked her by sleeping with her boyfriend?

“We broke up but he and Luna … Luna fell pregnant. They got married but then he proved he really was the ultimate asshole by taking off. So she moved back in with us and we helped her out for a while with Casey, her daughter, until she met this older guy, Garret, and got married. Now they live in the city and they have two of their own kids, Anna and Lucas. Luna’s a stay at home mom.”

“I saw you with her at the engagement party. You two seemed fine.”

“We weren’t for a while but we got through it.”

“You forgave her?”

She shocked him by replying, “Of course. Luna has always been impulsive and she was very young when she cheated with Kyle. Not just literally but emotionally and mentally. Plus, she doesn’t have the best taste in men. I can say that because once duped, I’ve never been duped again. But Luna’s husband…” Foster could tell she scowled behind her glasses. “He cheats on her all the time. And she puts up with it. I don’t know if she thinks she deserves it or she just doesn’t want to give up the cushy lifestyle he provides… I have no idea. I’ve tried talking to her about it and we always end up arguing. My youngest sister is the one I understand the least.”

“I’m amazed by your capacity to forgive,” he admitted. “I don’t think I can forgive Carolyn for taking off on G. I can’t help how bitter I feel about it.”

Ember reached over and covered his hand with hers. “That’s totally different. You’re bitter on Georgie’s behalf. No mother should choose a job over their five-year-old. It’s okay not to forgive her for that. You’re hiding the anger from Georgie, which is all that matters.”

Tags: Samantha Young Romance