Page 14 of Gettin’ Lucky

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“Every day since I got to Vegas. I have to at least finish this tournament, then I am seriously contemplating retiring. I’m thirty-five and can’t even take a vacation without it being centered around poker, so yeah. There’s that,” you can hear the conviction in his voice.

“What would you do when you retire? And um, we haven’t talked about my age. I’m praying you don’t kick me out when I tell you I’m twenty-one,” I say with a wince.

“Fuck no, I knew you were young, Sunshine. I’m lucky you want to be saddled with an old goat my age,” he says as he sits down in the living room chair and brings me down on his lap. I love when we sit like this. I’m surrounded by his heat.

“Just making sure. I know I’m on the younger side,” I say as I lay my head in the crook of his neck.

“No, Nat. I’d never question our ages. As for after retiring, fuck if I know. Maybe take a few months off and maybe mentor some of these young guys,” he says as he kisses my head.

“That’s a good idea too. I know you’re worn out after every game. Sitting for hours on end and the stress alone. It can’t be easy,” I reply back.

“It’s not easy, but we’ll figure it out,” I secretly like how he says we. This thing between us, it’s real.

“I guess I better go track down Sophia. I’ll be back in a few hours,” I tell him as I kiss him before getting up and heading out.

“Yeah, Sunshine. Keep me posted,” he demands.

“I will,” I say as I get into the elevator.

Chapter 16


That conversation went easier than I anticipated. I was worried out of my skull that Natalie would say no, and I’d never see her again. Fuck that would suck. We’re here in Vegas for another two days before making our way to California. This time the tournament will be held in a suburb of Los Angeles and thank fuck for that. Maybe there won’t be as much noise and I can take Nat out on a hike and enjoy something besides a city atmosphere.

I’ve been sitting in this same spot for hours now, just closing my mind off and relaxing before tonight. I’m jarred out of my own thoughts when I hear my cell ring, I look down and see it’s Natalie.

“Hey, Sunshine,” I answer into the phone.

“Hey, Zack. I finally tracked down Sophia, she was back in our room, freaking finally,” she says with irritation. I know she was worried about her best friend, so I’m glad she’s getting time with her.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Yes, she’s just being stubborn. She’s leaving today and decided to get into New York early for some screwed up reason. A reason that she won’t even tell me. I’m going to see her off, then I’ll head up to you. It’ll be another hour or so. Is that okay?” Fuck if her friend isn’t one crazy woman. I’m glad I have Natalie even more. Sophia is going to give a man a run for his money.

“Of fucking course. You may as well check out of your hotel room and save the money. I’ll have the bellhop bring your bags up here,” I tell her with more of a demand then asking her.

“Oh, okay, yeah. That will work. Let me let you go. She needs my help packing,” she tells me.

“Okay, see you soon, Sunshine,” I tell her as we get off the phone.

I get on the phone with the concierge to pick up her bags and pay off her room. She only paid for one night up front and was really only there for one night. It’s the least I can do, and knowing Natalie already, it’ll be an argument. One I hope will end up with her in my arms and us naked.

My next call is for room service. It’s going on five o’clock and by the time she gets up here, we’ll have enough time to eat together, get changed and then have to be downstairs. Tonight, we finish this round and then we have a day to rest before we leave to head to Bell Gardens, California.

I order two steaks, ribeyes, how Nat likes it, loaded mashed potatoes, and fresh steamed asparagus wrapped in bacon. Along with a bottle of wine for Natalie and a beer for myself.

When the elevator pings, I see Natalie step inside. I gave her the extra key card so she wouldn’t have to worry about me buzzing, or if she got too tired from watching me play, she could come up when she was ready. She hasn’t done that yet. She says she likes watching me at the tables.

“Hey,” she drawls as she comes in and sits on my lap.

“Hey, Sunshine. Sophia okay?” I ask.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance