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Rosamund nodded


There was a pause and then Hercule Poirot said:

“He is sympathetic, yes?”

Rosamund said warmly:

“Ken’s a dear. One of the best. Frightfully quiet and reserved. I’d say his only fault is a penchant for making unfortunate marriages.”

Poirot said in a tone of great understanding: “Ah—”

Rosamund Darnley went on.

“Kenneth’s a fool—an utter fool where women are concerned! Do you remember the Martingdale case?”

Poirot frowned.

“Martingdale? Martingdale? Arsenic, was it not?”

“Yes. Seventeen or eighteen years ago. The woman was tried for the murder of her husband.”

“And he was proved to have been an arsenic eater and she was acquitted?”

“That’s right. Well, after her acquittal, Ken married her. That’s the sort of damn silly thing he does.”

Hercule Poirot murmured:

“But if she was innocent?”

Rosamund Darnley said impatiently:

“Oh, I dare say she was innocent. Nobody really knows! But there are plenty of women to marry in the world without going out of your way to marry one who’s stood her trial for murder.”

Poirot said nothing. Perhaps he knew that if he kept silence Rosamund Darnley would go on. She did so.

“He was very young, of course, only just twenty-one. He was crazy about her. She died when Linda was born—a year after their marriage. I believe Ken was terribly cut up by her death. Afterwards he racketed around a lot—trying to forget, I suppose.”

She paused.

“And then came this business of Arlena Stuart. She was in Revue at the time. There was the Codrington divorce case. Lady Codrington divorced Codrington, citing Arlena Stuart. They say Lord Codrington was absolutely infatuated with her. It was understood they were to be married as soon as the decree was made absolute. Actually, when it came to it, he didn’t marry her. Turned her down flat. I believe she actually sued him for breach of promise. Anyway, the thing made a big stir at the time. The next thing that happens is that Ken goes and marries her. The fool—the complete fool!”

Hercule Poirot murmured:

“A man might be excused such a folly—she is beautiful, Mademoiselle.”

“Yes, there’s no doubt of that. There was another scandal about three years ago. Old Sir Roger Erskine left her every penny of his money. I should have thought that would have opened Ken’s eyes if anything would.”

“And did it not?”

Rosamund Darnley shrugged her shoulders.

“I tell you I’ve seen nothing of him for years. People say, though, that he took it with absolute equanimity. Why, I should like to know? Has he got an absolutely blind belief in her?”

“There might be other reasons.”

“Yes. Pride! Keeping a stiff upper lip! I don’t know what he really feels about her. Nobody does.”

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery