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She looked at him for a moment in silence, then

she raised her chin defiantly.

"I will answer your question. I loved Jack from

the first moment I saw him--two years ago. Lately I think--I believe--he has come to love me. But he

has never said so."

"£patant.t'' said Poirot. "You have saved me a

good quarter of an hour by coming to the point

without beating the bush. You have the good

sense. Now your husband--did he suspect your


"I don't know," Said Marguerita slowly. "I

thoughtlately--that he might. His manner has

been different But

that may have been merely




else knew?"

"I do not think so."


me, madame--you did not love your



were, I think, very few women who we

ld have answered that question as simply

as this woman did. They would have tried to

explain their


Maruerita Clayton said

quite simply: "No." "Bien. Now we know where

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery