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for words.

"You say you recognized the gang from my

description. Had they worked this trick before?"

"Not exactly--but it was their kind of business.

Naturally my attention was at once directed to the



"Why? I didn't suspect her--nobody did. She

seemed such a--such a child."

"That is the peculiar genius of Maria Amalfi.

She is more like a child than any child could

possibly be! And then the plasticine! This bet was

supposed to have arisen quite spontaneouslymyet

the little lady had some plasticine with her all

handy. That spoke of premeditation. My suspicions

fastened on her at once."

Llewellyn rose to his feet.

"Well, Mr. Parker Pyne, I'm no end obliged to


"Classification," murmured Mr. Parker Pyne.

"The classification of criminal types--it interests


"You'll let me know how much--er--"

,. "My fee will be quite moderate," said Mr.



Parker Pyne. "It will not make too big a hole in

the--er--horse racing profits. All the same, young

man, I should, I think, leave the horses alone in

future. Very uncertain animal, the horse."

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery