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"Yes," went on the aged passenger. Poisonous

woman. I remember a woman like that in Poona.

In '87 that was."

"Did anyone take a hatchet to her?" inquired


The old gentleman shook his head sadly.

"Worried her husband into his grave within the

year. Clapperton ought'to assert himself. Gives his

wife her head too much."

"She holds the purse strings," said Poirot



Agatha Christie

"Ha ha!" chuckled the old gentleman. "You've

put the matter in a nutshell. Holds the purse

strings. Ha ha!"

Two girls burst into the smoking-room. One

had a round face with freckles and dark hair

streaming out in a windswept confusion, the other

had freckles and curly chestnut hair.

"A rescue--a rescue!" cried Kitty Mooney.

"Pam and I are going to rescue Colonel Clapper-ton."

"From his wife," gasped Pamela Cregan.

"We think he's a pet .... "

"And she's just awful--she won't let him do anything," the two girls exclaimed.

"And if he isn't with her, he's usually grabbed

by the Henderson woman .... "

"Who's quite nice. But terribly old .... " They ran out, gasping in between giggles:

"A rescue--a rescue..."

That the rescue of Colonel Clapperton was no

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery