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.... "

He picked up her handbag.

"Let us look in her handbag."

Barton Russell cried out:

"You don't believe this is suicide, too? Not on

your life."


Agatha Christie

"Wait," Poirot commanded. "No, there is

nothing here. The lights went up, you see, too

quickly, the murderer had not time. Therefore,

the poison is still on him."

"Or her," said Carter.

He was looking at Lola Valdez.

She spat out:

"What do you mean--what do you say? That I

killed her--eet is not true--not true--why should

I do such a thing!"

"You had rather a fancy for Barton Russell

yourself in New York. That's the gossip I heard.

Argentine beauties are notoriously jealous."

"That ees a pack of lies. And I do not come

from the Argentine. I come from Peru. Ah--I spit

upon you. I--" She relapsed into Spanish.

"I demand silence," cried Poirot. "It is for me

to speak."

Barton Russell said heavily:

' 'Everyone must be searched."

Poirot said calmly,

"Non, non, it is not necessary."

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery