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dying with boredom before I met Basil. He is

rather a pet!"

"Mr. Parker PynemMiss Ramona," said Mrs.


The girl acknowledged the introduction with a

lazy smile.

"I guess I'll call you Parker almost at once,"

she murmured. "My name's Dolores."

Basil returned with the drinks. Miss Ramona

divided her conversation (what there was of it--it

was mostly glances) between Basil and Mr. Parker

Pyne. Of the two women she took no notice whatever.

Betty attempted once or twice to join in the

conversation but the other girl merely stared at her

and yawned.

Suddenly Dolores rose.

"Guess I'll be going along now. I'm at the other

hotel. Anyone coming to see me home?"

Basil sprang up.

"I'll come with you."

Mrs. Chester said: "Basil, my dear--"

"I'll be back presently, Mother."

"Isn't he the mother's boy?" Miss Ramona

asked of the world at large. "Just toots 'round

after her, don't you?"

Basil flushed and looked awkward. Miss

Ramona gave a nod in Mrs. Chester's direction, a



dazzling smile to Mr. Parker Pyne and she and

Tags: Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Mystery