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And the security beacons around Harem are controlled by older, just-as-dangerous copies of ALCOR that are tens of thousands of years old. There is no way to directly attack Harem Station.


But all that could change if I complete my mission.

I have no use for sentient AI’s or ships. They’re more trouble than they’re worth. But everyone not in alliance with Harem Station wants those AI’s gone. They’re up to no good out there. Everyone knows it.

But that’s not why I’m doing this.

My twin brother is being held captive by the most evil Cygnian princess to ever float around this galaxy.

We call her… the Loathsome One.

Ugggh. Just thinking her name makes me sick.

My brother, Tycho, is a Cygnian male, which makes him nearly worthless in Cygnian society. Because while he and I were both genetically engineered from the same stock, Cygnian males cannot breed. They’re sterile. And our genetics are pretty much the only reason Cygnians exist.

Tycho is nothing but a slave. Nothing but a body meant to work. I am a high-ranking pink, and we come from the same genetics batch, but his only purpose—the only purpose of any Cygnian male from what I can tell—is to make sure fertilization takes place. There are no single births in Cygnian society. They never live past the embryonic stage. So Tycho is nothing more than my other half. Every Cygnian girl is born with a fraternal male twin. That’s the only way to produce a female in our society.

They separate us at birth. The boys go into the slave harems so they can learn to work and the girls go into the breeding harems so they can be farmed for genetics.

But Tycho and I were not separated. We grew up together in my father’s house. Perhaps my father thought Tycho was more than he appeared? Or maybe he has some kind of true affection for him? Or maybe my father was just having doubts about his role in this whole horrid war?

It’s hard to tell.

The only thing I know for sure is that my twin is part of me, now and forever, and I’d do anything to keep him safe.

Anything. Up to and including kidnapping Jimmy of Harem Station and delivering him to the Loathsome One. I have no idea what her plans for him are, and I don’t care.

This must be done.

“They’re heading towards Gate 137,” Queenie says.

“137. Where the fuck does that go?”

“The Outer Highway,” Queenie replies.

“Shit,” I say. “That place is a cesspool. It will make everything more difficult.”

“We could activate the virus now, if you’d like.”

“In the Vacation Sector?” I sigh. “I’m not sure that’s any better.”

“Those are your choices, Delphi. And you have thirty seconds to make a decision or there will be too much cross-traffic to ensure the signal gets through.”

“Fine. Do it now.”

“Sent,” Queenie chirps. “Received. Infiltrating.” Then, a moment later. “Success. Dicker has activated reverse thrusters and is changing course.”

“Where are they headed?” I ask, biting my nails.

Queenie laughs. “Mighty Minions Resort.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I say, rubbing my forehead, trying to stave off a headache. “The family station?”

“Happiest Place in the Galaxy,” Queenie says.

“This might be worse than the Outer Highway.”

“It’s done now. So deal with it.”

“Like I have a choice,” I mumble.

“Should I send word to the Loathsome One?”

“No!” I say, jumping out of my seat. “Just no. She doesn’t need to hear about our fuck-ups, OK? Tycho’s life is in her hands. Just follow them in and make sure we’re right behind them for docking.”

“Achieved,” Queenie says. “I put in our request and we have an arrival number of three hundred and seventy-four.”

“Three hundred and seventy-four? For sun’s sake. That’ll take all day!”

“Yes,” Queenie says. “I think I’ll take a break while we wait.”

I just stare at her navigation console, wondering if her attitude is getting worse. Or am I imagining things?

Queenie has never been the most pleasant ship personality and ever since the Loathsome One gave her to me to complete this mission, she hasn’t tried very hard to hide the fact she thinks I’m incompetent.

She might even hate me.

Just my luck, I sigh. To be partnered with a ship who hates me. What if she sabotages my efforts? What if she’s secretly plotting a way to escape? It’s not unheard of for ships to trick their owners into flying to the ALCOR gates to make their escape.

I’ve heard rumors about what happens to the people on the ships when that happens.

And maybe all this talk of Jimmy, and Xyla, and Dicker, and ALCOR has got her thinking?


Flicka buzzes by my ear and then settles her little dragonbee feet onto my shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she sings in her tiny buzzy voice. “I’m on your side, Delphi.”

I pat her small back with my fingertip and whisper, “Thank you, Flicka.”

Because she is, quite literally, my only friend in the whole universe besides Tycho.

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance