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Not to mention he’s got two cocks. I’ve been with a few Cygnian males over the years, but never an Akeelian. They’re something out of fairytales and myths to us girls back home. So… being with a male who could pleasure me the way I was meant to be pleasured is intriguing, to say the least.

Plus he’s got that ALCOR AI on his side. I know that real ALCOR died in the explosion near Bull Station, but Harem is still going. He left a copy behind. And their station security AI’s are just as powerful. Jimmy and his brothers are already players in this war. And not just because they can breed. They are powerful in their own right. They have a whole army of sentient ships docked at their station and millions of outlaw solders at their disposal. Soldiers who would die for the home they provide.

Loyal soldiers and ships.

We breed our soldiers and pay some from other races to help us when we need it. But breeding and paychecks doesn’t inspire loyalty.

Tycho, Flicka, and I know that better than anyone.

I’ve always been curious about Harem. And I could’ve gone there instead of the station where the Loathsome One is. But I didn’t have an invitation to pass through the gates and even if I could make it to the other side, they’d indenture me for five hundred spins once I arrived.

So I didn’t. I went to the Loathsome One for help.

But now I wish I had tried. Because then Tycho would be safe. At least safer than he is now. I don’t know what they’d do with a Cygnian male on Harem, but it can’t be any worse than the situation he’s in now.

The trek back over to Fire Mountain Sector takes forever. We have to navigate a demon uprising in order to cross the Mighty River of Death and a parade going on in front of the castle shuts us off from where we need to be, so by the time we get to the gates of the receiving area we’re both exhausted.

I flash my pass, so ready to get Jimmy inside Queenie so we can blow this resort and get my escape from the Loathsome One plan back in action, but there’s a loud buzzer and the gates don’t open.

“What the fuck?” Jimmy says.

“I don’t know. My pass should work.” I flash it again, but again, there’s a loud denial buzzer.

“Let me try,” he says, moving in front of me, Mighty Pass in hand. He swipes it over the sensor, but gets the same result. “What fresh fucking hell is this?”

“Excuse me?”

Jimmy and I both turn to find a Mighty Ambassador smiling at us. “Can I help you with something?”

“Yeah, we’re trying to get into the docking bay to pick up a part for my ship.”

She smiles even wider, if that’s possible, then waves her hand up at the lights. “It’s evening here on Mighty Minions Resort, which means we’re shut down for the night.”

“Shut down?” I say, looking behind us to where thousands of people are still milling about.

“Yes, the docking bays all shut down at four PM Mighty Time for security reasons. No one in or out.”

“OK,” Jimmy says, sighing deeply as he rubs two fingers above the bridge of his nose. “Fine. We can stay the night, but I need to get into this docking bay to grab a part, then back over to my ship so we can install it.”

“I’m sorry. But no one is allowed to leave the resort.”

“I get that, but I’m not leaving.”

“If you pass through these gates,” she says, waving her hand like some kind of magic fairy, “you’re leaving. And we can’t allow it. But the gates will reopen for business tomorrow at six AM.”

“No,” Jimmy says. “No. That’s stupid. If you could just let us get the part and go back to my ship we could be fixing my ship by six AM tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry,” she says. “It’s the rules.”

“Surely, there is someone else we could talk to. Perhaps your manager? We came here on an emergency and so far I’ve spent nearly ten thousand credits just getting around this stupid station.”

“I could call security,” she offers.

“No,” I say, placing a hand on Jimmy’s arm, then whisper, “We do not want her to call security.” I smile at the ambassador. “We’ll come back tomorrow.” Jimmy glares at me as I pull him aside. “She’s not gonna let you through and I don’t want to get locked in Mighty Jail because you caused a scene.”

“Where am I supposed to stay? If I have to spend one more minute around all these sugared-up kids and crazy parents, I’ll—”

“Don’t say it,” I caution him. “She’s still there.”

“I’m not paying for a freaking hotel room when I have a perfectly good ship I could sleep on.”

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance