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“We can’t ever be together. I need to get the fuck out of here. And so do you. We can’t ever be together because whatever they’re trying to make by putting us together—a star, a baby, a monster—doesn’t matter what you call it. It just can’t be born. OK? You are the one who said evil a few minutes ago and you said that because you felt it. But believe me, Crux. They are evil, evil people. We can’t let this happen. So you are going to shoot me through the spin node where my friends will pick me up and… take care of the baby. And I’m going to send you to ALCOR Station. And we’re never going to see each other again.”


“There’s more,” she says.

“More? That’s not enough?”

“I’m also a weapon.”

I got nothing for that.

“That light inside me? It’s more powerful than a sun going supernova. I am literally a bomb. They can take out entire planets with girls like me. And if they get this breeding program off the ground, the whole universe could cease to exist with the children they create.”

I’m shaking my head the whole time she’s talking.

“It’s true,” she insists. “Whether you believe me or not. Whether you help me or not. This is happening. So I need to meet up with my friends on some station on the other side of the spin node so they can… you know.” She points to her stomach.

“Kill it?” I ask, horrified.

“I don’t know.”

“Fuck that!” I say, getting to my feet. “Fuck that! They’re not… you’re not… no!”

“What am I supposed to do? I’m pregnant now, like it or not. It’s done. I’m not going to raise that thing.”


She sighs and gets to her feet. “It’s not what you think, Crux. It’s dangerous. These… babies can change everything. And not in a good way. It needs to be handled.”

Handled. I just can’t. I turn away from her and grab my hair, trying to force all this shit to make sense.

“We have to leave. And I have to see your friends before I go.”

“Why?” I ask, turning around to face her.

“Because all of them need to leave too. And the only way I can be sure that you get all of them to ALCOR Station is to give each one of them a message to relay to him once you get there.”

“And what happens if I don’t get them all there?”

“Then he’ll kill you. You must have them deliver my message in the correct order or he’ll know you can’t be trusted.”

“You set me up,” I say.

“They set us up, Crux. I’m just trying to make the best of a bad situation.”

“Why do I have to go to this ALCOR Station?”

“I don’t know. You just do. It’s part of the plan the station people gave me. They need this AI for some reason. And he needs you.” She sighs. “So. That’s it.”

“And I’m just supposed to trust you? Just supposed to take your word that this is all real, gather up my friends—which include two little kids, by the way—and what? Steal a ship and—” I throw up my hands. “You’re insane.”

“It’s the only choice you have left. Believe me, if you’re still here tomorrow your life becomes a living nightmare. They will sedate you and farm you for…” She looks down at my groin area. “You know. Sperm. Then they’ll use you to make more babies. And if I stay, they’ll be harvesting my eggs the second after I give birth. I won’t live to see this baby grow up, that’s for sure. So…” She sighs. “Choose then. Stay here and be a lab rat or do as I say and live to fight another day.”

“And I thought I got lucky,” I say.

“What?” She scowls at me.

“‘Oh, Crux. You got yourself a princess for a soulmate. A beautiful silver-haired Cygnian princess. Go you.’”

She makes a face. “I’m sorry I’m not the princess you were expecting. But that’s all I have going for me now. Be the unexpected.”

I turn away and pace the grass in front of the tree.

“So are you in? Or not?”

“I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

“Not if you want to live, you don’t.”

“How do you know this ALCOR will help us?”

“Let’s just say… it’s in his best interest to keep you alive for another twenty years.”

“Just twenty, huh?” I force a smile, seeing if she’ll take the bait.

She doesn’t. She just shrugs. “It’s going to take that long to get things ready. But you’re never going to see me again. And if you do, then something has gone terribly wrong and no matter what, you need to stay away from me. Never come near me again, do you hear me? Never.”

“Star-crossed.” I sigh.


“You know. Star-crossed lovers. Two ships passing in the dark. Meant to be together, but never able to be together.”

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance