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Oh, yeah. That Angel Station place is real. They contacted us a few weeks back. Kinda preliminary stuff trying to feel us out and see what we’re up to, I guess. No idea what they do, what they want, or what Jimmy is talking to them about. The only thing they really told us was that we should not wake up Nyleena until they have a chance to check her out.

But guess what? We already did.

And holy fuck. I thought Lyra was wild.

Oh, this little silver bullet of a princess is out of control. Partying every night. Sleeping all day. Then does it all over again. She gets in fights and one time Lyra had to get up in the middle of the night and go bail her out of lock-up.

Lyra says, “This is just how she is.” But I think Nyleena’s certifiably crazy. She has daily anger management appointments with the cyborg master. Whom she has taking a liking to, go figure.

We even gave her a nanny bot to keep an eye on her. One of Prince’s stupid buddies. Which I think is a mistake. Nanny bots are the worst. They party more than Cygnian princesses.

That girl needs to find her soulmate. It’s not Jimmy, it’s not Valor, it’s not Tray, and obviously it’s not me or Crux. No, they didn’t all fuck her. Though she tried to fuck them. Lyra says she knew the moment I first touched her that there was something special between us and Nyleena didn’t have that kind of response to any of my brothers, so they were more than willing to just take a pass on that kind of psycho.

Luck left before we woke her, so we’re hoping—like really hoping—that dude is her one and can calm her the fuck down. Very emotional, this princess. She lights up like a sun all the time. And she’s not pink, no. She’s silver. Which means her light is white and that shit is so strong, it can blind you.

Pretty much the whole station is sick of her and she’s only been awake two months.

Plus, everyone’s kinda terrified of her too. She is, after all, a bomb.

We’re still trying to work out how to reverse engineer the whole detonation system between Lyra and Nyleena. Until that’s done, none of us are really safe.

Crux went with Jimmy to talk to those Angel people. He just wants to find this Veila girl and wake up his long-lost love. This is the first time he’s been away from the station for longer than a few days and so, for whatever reason, he put me in charge while he was gone.

Fine with me. I’m not really sure we need any more booty. Pretty sure my booty-hunting days are behind me.

Oh, Booty is doing OK too. Not great, but OK. I didn’t find out she and ALCOR had a relationship until after all that Bull Station shit went down. So she was pretty upset for a while. Another reason why I didn’t want to go booty hunting. She’s not into it anymore.

We let her mind disengage from the ship, but no one is ready to give her a body. She seems content for now—spending most of her time helping Tray out in the Pleasure Prison. But she checks in with me at least once a day.

Lyra and Xyla became best friends. They shop together, go to shooting galleries and fight nights down in this bar called Come Heavy, and play cards down in the casinos. Typical Harem Station girl stuff. So Lyra’s kinda sad and lonely since Jimmy took Xyla away on this diplomatic mission.

Which is why I’ve got something special planned for her tonight.

Gonna take her mind right off Xyla. So far off Xyla, she won’t think about her again until she returns.

Maybe not even then, either. That’s how into this she’s gonna be tonight.

You see… Cygnian princesses don’t have babies. They can have babies, but they are all born in a lab. So a baby is something Lyra and I have talked about since I told her about the whole breeding program.

Which, at the moment, consists only of us.

So here’s what I’ve learned about making babies…

One. Well, I already knew this part. But it’s a lot harder than it seems. Even with Lyra. Because in order to fertilize her eggs both of my cocks have to come at the same time, and because that literally means the same instant, we need some help.

Because the sun-god knows, we’ve tried. We try every morning and every night too, sometimes we even try during lunch. And still, no luck.

Two. This goes with one, above. Passion limes, tushberries and all that other princess fruit actually has an effect on me too. Mmmm-hmmm. Makes me horny. Like a motherfucker. Her too. And it helps with making babies because if I eat this fruit I can sorta control it better.

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance