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Right down the middle.

I gasp, looking down at my breasts, doing a double-take at the new nipple piercings. So odd to see them on my body when just this morning they weren’t there.

“Shhhh,” he says, petting my hair like I’m a pet. “Don’t worry. I told you, I can be gentle.”

And then he reaches down, pulls the zipper of his pants apart, and fists his cock, massaging it in his palm for a few strokes before leaning forward and pressing it between my breasts.

I close my eyes and shake my head.

Is he for real? Like… do girls fall for this shit?

“Serpint,” I murmur seductively, tilting my head up so I can look into his glowing violet eyes.

“Lyra,” he whispers back, looking down into my pink ones with great expectations.

“It’s not me who should be intimidated right now, it’s you.”

It’s his turn to laugh. Which he does with a smile. A very stupid grin splashed across his face. “Let’s do this then,” he says.

“Let’s go.” And then I grab his cock with one hand and squeeze his balls with the other. And I do this hard. I’m talking… this is a ball-busting, down-on-your-knees move that should incapacitate any male, even this guy.

But he just sighs. And holy suns, it’s a hot sigh too. And whispers, “Harder, princess. Give me all you’ve got.”

Well, that wasn’t supposed to happen. But I’m nothing if not accommodating. So I give it to him harder. I squeeze his dick and his balls like I’ve never squeezed anything before. I give it all I’ve got. Every gram of strength inside me goes into my grip.

He closes his eyes and drops his head back a little. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Just like that.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say.

“What?” he says, breaking the mood.

I give his balls a twist. Watch his face for signs of pain.

“Fuck,” he moans, closing his eyes again. “Oh, shit, yeah.”

“You like that?”

“What’s not to like?” he coos. “Keep going.”

I let him go and push his chest again. “You’re lying. That has to hurt.”

He laughs and opens his eyes to look at me. “Oh. I get it. You thought you’d bust my balls a little, eh? Show me who’s boss? Well, I hate to disappoint you, but we like it rough, Lyra. So give me all you’ve got. I love it.”


Fun fact about Akeelians.

We don’t feel pain when we’re hard.

We like it.

A lot.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say it turns us on.

So if this little pink-haired princess thinks she’s gonna dish out more than I can handle, she’s got another think coming.

“What?” I ask her. “Nothing to say to that?”

“You people are just weird.”

“We’re weird?” I laugh. “Well, least we don’t want to marry our daughters.”

“He’s not really my father. I explained this to you.”

“Same shit in my book. But hey, whatever. You be you, princess. I’ll be me. So we gonna finish this? Or were you just hoping to put me on my knees so you could escape? Let me know now so I can make the appropriate preparations.”

She’s still gripping my balls. And it still feels good. So good my cock is actually growing bigger in her hand.

Which makes her look down at it. “What the—”

“Oh, you thought that was…” I laugh. “Oh, no. He’s got several inches to go.”

“What? But—”

“No, I wasn’t this turned on back in the exam room. But then again, you didn’t fire me up with foreplay like you’re doing now, so…” I shrug. “What can I say. I’m just hung.”

She pushes me away. And this time I give in and step backwards, chuckling a little under my breath. “So it’s a game, huh?”

“What?” she snaps.

“This whole I’m-hot-for-you-Serpint thing you’re doing? It’s just a little game so you can escape?”

She glares at me.

“Newsflash. You’re in my quarters on Harem Station. There is no possible scenario where you’d somehow get out.” I nod down at her collar and bracelets. “And even if you did pull off a miracle, say, with the help of an AI who seems to have taken a liking to you”—I say that part for ALCOR’s benefit, even though I don’t think he’s listening—“then you’d never get off the station. Because that collar and those bracelets, princess. They belong to me. And one push of a button would force you right back to where you started.”

“Bullshit,” she snaps. “That tech isn’t even real.”

“Why do you think you’re wearing cuffs on your ankles, Lyra? So I can spread your legs before I fuck you? I could do that with rope, for sun’s sake. I don’t need magnets.”

“But the wall—”

“Oh, yeah. The wall works. I could activate it right now and you’d be flat up against it in less than a second from this distance.”


“I take it Cygnians don’t have a BDSM subculture? Or maybe you’re just too much of a prude to know about it?”

Tags: J.A. Huss Harem Station Romance