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She grabbed the loaded rifle she kept in the back of the plane.

Raised it as the Ancient stalked closer to where Kade was now trying to drag himself up once more. She couldn't let the creature reach him.

Alex pulled the trigger.

The gunshot cracked like thunder in the snow-tossed darkness.

The Ancient hadn't seen it coming. His large hand was pressed to his chest, but blood seeped through his fingers.

The otherworlder curled his lip back and snarled. Then he started prowling forward again ... no longer toward Kade, but toward her and Luna near the plane.

Alex heard the howl of wolves from somewhere close. So many voices. At least half a dozen or more. She heard them, and could almost hear the beat of their paws rising up through the bitter cold of the storm and the chilling terror of the situation playing out on the ledge.

Alex knew the wolves were near, but she hadn't been at all prepared for the sight of them, suddenly rushing up from the craggy slopes below. The pack charged en masse, leaping in tandem at the same target: the alien creature who roared with outrage as the eight predators attacked.

And as the wolves bit and tore and jumped at the Ancient, another adversary came over the ridge from below.


Alex's breath caught as the Breed male who looked so much like Kade emerged out of the shadows and the swirling chaos of the storm. He didn't seem so much identical to Kade now as he did a mirror image--reversed somehow, as though he were the wilder, more dangerous half of the Breed male she loved. Seth's huge fangs gleamed as white as bone. His eyes threw off a feral amber light that seared like lasers. Alex swallowed as he gave her a brief, sidelong glance. She thought she saw an apology written in the stark expression on his face. Perhaps some measure of remorse.

But then, with a battle cry that made her blood run cold, he surged into a powerful leap and threw himself onto the Ancient.

They were too close to the edge of the cliff.

The forward momentum was too great to be stopped.

Alex's eyes flew wide when she realized what was about to happen. She squeezed them shut an instant later, as Seth and the Ancient careened over the ledge together.


Kade shouted his brother's name, the cotton in his head from the blow he took having cleared instantly when he saw Seth locked in battle with the Ancient. Horror choked him not a second later, as they sailed past him at the cliff's edge and plummeted into the darkness.

There was a great rumbling that seemed to come from all around him, like the roll of thunder, only he felt it in the ground beneath him. Above him, too.

Then, the violent crack of ice and hard-packed snow giving way from the rocky crag overhead. The avalanche roared off the cliff, tons of crushing snow and ice, sweeping like a tidal wave past Kade's head and down, into the mountain's steep cleft below. A blinding, choking cloud of fine, powdery crystals rose up in its wake, chilling Kade's face and forcing him to look away from the snow-filled crevasse where the Ancient and his brother had fallen. Nothing could survive the suffocating weight of that much snow.

Kade felt soft hands coming around his shoulders, the warmth of Alex's body catching him in her embrace, holding him close. And behind them on the ledge, he heard the low sounds of voices. Hunter, Tegan, and Chase, a hush of murmured disbelief for everything that had just occurred.

"Kade," Alex whispered, her tone quiet and comforting. "Oh, God ... Kade." All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and accept the love she offered him now, but his heart cried out for his twin. The thought of losing his brother raked him; Seth's sacrifice was too difficult to process. Too terrible to be real.

Kade extracted himself from Alex's sheltering arms and scrabbled to the sheer edge of the cliff.

"Seth!" he yelled into the rocky void, straining to find even the slimmest thread of hope that his brother might not be dead.

And then ... a dark, broken form, lying on a jagged outcrop about a hundred feet down. Moving only slightly, but alive.

slightly, but alive.

Hope soared in Kade's chest.

"Jesus Christ. It's him." He got to his feet. "Seth, hang on!" Alex gasped. "Kade, what are you doing? Kade, don't--" He stepped off the edge.

Alex's scream followed him as he dropped at a calculated leap, down into the cleft of rock. His booted feet came to a rest beside his brother. Kade crouched and swept the ice and snow away from Seth's battered face and body.

"Goddamn you, Seth." His voice cracked with a mix of relief and pain as he took in the extensive injuries that his brother had sustained in both the fight with the Ancient and the fall. Seth bled from multiple contusions on his head and limbs, but it was the vicious gash in his torso that concerned Kade the most. Regenerating from that kind of damage would be a challenge for the fittest Breed male, but for one in Seth's gaunt, emaciated condition? Shit. It didn't look good for him at all. Seth's eyes were closed, his body limp and broken. He was barely breathing, except for the thin rasp of air that wheezed out of his lungs when he parted his lips and tried to speak to Kade.

"G-go," he huffed out after a moment. "You can't ... can't save me, brother." Kade exhaled a sharp curse. "Like hell I can't. I'm going to get you out of here."

Tags: Lara Adrian Midnight Breed Paranormal