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“No, I’m well past the point of dressing for breakfast.”

I wasn’t sure that the phrase was meant quite so literally, but it seemed to make him happy, and I was up to trying anything.

It was decided we should stay away from anything fried, the combination of naked bodies and spraying grease not a great equation. Left basically with oatmeal and toast, we did our best to dress it up, adding every bit of fruit that would fit into the bowls and adorning the toast with the most delicious apple jelly. Something I wasn’t even aware existed up to that point. I was discovering all sorts of wonderful things.

The fates must have heard me, and to reward me for my humbleness, caused a sizable glob to land on my tit. Ryan leaned over and made short work of it, taking time to also suck my nipples sweetened by the condiment.

“Yummy,” he said, rising his head.

With a quick but loving kiss, we took our breakfast to the table, to eat in the formal way despite our free and natural state.

“Would you like to go for a hike today?” Ryan asked out of the clear blue.

“I thought you would never ask.”

“You were waiting for me to ask?”

“Well, yeah, you are the master.”

“True, though you are also able to make requests. The worst that will happen is I’ll say no.”


“It’s not like I’m going to beat you or anything. You didn’t think I was going to beat you did you?”

“No, not exactly, I just wasn’t sure it was allowed. I’ve given my will to you, I just thought that would include my decisions.”

“A fair assumption, I guess, but I still want you to think for yourself. It isn’t the same if you are blindly obedient. I want you to be consciously obedient. To do what I say because you want to, because you want to please me, and it pleases you as well. I’ll never make you do anything you don’t want to.”

“I know.”

“Good. We should get out soon, it’ll be getting dark in a couple of hours.”

I wasn’t sure about going out hiking in one of the dresses he’d given me pretty as they were, though I would have to make due.

“I have jeans for you,” he said, opening the drawer in the dressed, “they might not be too comfortable without panties, but we’ll see.”

It took a few seconds to make sure it was all real. A brand-new looking pair of jeans, tailored exactly to my measurements, just for me. We never had much money when I was growing up, but my brother was a fantastic artist. Every holiday, he would do a thematically appropriate work, unique to each family member. I still had all of them, and treasured them more than anything else I owned. The jeans Ryan have me instantly joined that rank. The fact he gone so far as to sew a “Ryan’s brand” leather patch onto the back only intensifying the feeling.

Doing up the borrowed flannel shirt to cover my upper body, I tucked it in as far as I could into the jeans.

“Sorry about that, I’m much better with pants and jackets than shirts. I did try but could never get the sleeves quite right.”

“Did you make my collar?” I asked, the thought just occurring to me.


“It must have taken days.”

“Weeks. Two months to be exact.”

“You knew two months ago?”

“I knew I was going to ask to months ago. I had no idea if you would accept. The invitation to lock down or anything. I had a feeling that you liked me too, enough for me to try and impress you, but I couldn’t be sure. Not until you agreed to come here and not even then, really. It wasn’t beyond a doubt until you agreed to wear the choker.”

“The sex wasn’t a clue?” I laughed.

“A clue definitely, but I didn’t let myself dare hope. I guess in some ways I’m determined to keep myself from being happy.”

“I know the feeling,” I said, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.

“I have something to ask you, probably better before we go.”

“Ask me anything.”

Ryan got down on one knee. I didn’t know what he was doing at first. Not until he took the box from his pocket. Creaking the lid open to reveal the most beautiful emerald I’d ever seen, he kept his eyes down as he spoke.

“Candid Marie Boucher. Will you make me the happiest man in the world by consenting to be my wife?”

My jaw dropped and tears stung my eyes. “Yes, sir.”

Chapter Eight

I was getting tired of the cold. Even with our engagement, it still spooked me. Slowly, I turned the ring on my finger, just to make sure it was still there. The early morning sun cast through the cut emerald in the most brilliant way. Calming my mind, I got up to look for him, slipping into the silk robe before heading out.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance