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She sat up and hugged her knees to her chest, her teeth giving her lower lip a chew, her eyes now downcast. ‘I think I just ruined the moment… Sorry.’

Luiz found it impossible to be angry with her. He let out a slow breath and came back to the bed and sat beside her. He took her hand and turned it over in his, playing with each of her fingers in turn. ‘You don’t approve of my lifestyle, do you?’

Her blue eyes were clear and open and honest as they met his. ‘I don’t know much about it, other than what I’ve read. You might have a completely different take on it. But one thing I do know. You can’t live your whole life without connecting with other people on more than a physical level.’

He moved his thumb over the knuckle of hers in a slow motion caress. ‘How come someone who’s only had sex with a toy knows so much about connecting with people?’

Her cheeks blushed a faint pink. ‘I’ve had sex with you…sort of…’

He watched as her gaze dropped to his mouth, her tongue sneaking out to moisten her lips in a darting sweep. He pressed the pad of his finger to her bottom lip, watching as the blood retreated and then flowed back in when he lifted it away. ‘Want to pick up where we left off?’

He heard her draw in a quick little breath. ‘Do you want to?’

He pressed her back down on the bed. ‘Do I really need to answer that?’

She smiled as his body bore down on hers. ‘I think you just did.’


DAISY SIGHED IN bliss as his mouth sealed hers in a searing kiss. His tongue stroked for entry in that commanding way he had, making her stomach turn over like a flipped pancake. His hand came down on her hip and pulled her up against him, one of his thighs coming over the top of hers in an intimate entrapment that made her skin pepper with goosebumps. His erection was pressed hard against her belly, a tantalising reminder of all the differences between them.

She reached down to stroke him, loving the feel of him pulsing with desire under her fingertips. He was oozing moisture and she felt her own beading inside her body in preparation for him.

One of his hands cupped her breast, his thumb pressing against her nipple, pushing it in and out, and then circling it. He bent his head to take it in his mouth, laving it with his tongue, tracing every inch of her flesh with soft but sure movements.

Daisy felt the rise of her need for him like a tremor before an earthquake. It moved through her flesh with every scorching touch of his mouth and hands on her body.

He rolled her over on her back, leaning his weight on his elbows. His mouth moved with erotic intent over hers, drawing from her a fevered response she hadn’t realised she was capable of giving. She felt as if she would die if he didn’t make love to her. She opened her legs and felt her stomach swoop as he settled between them. Somehow he’d managed to slip a condom on. She felt him at her entrance, hard, swollen, ready. She arched up to receive him, urging him to possess her without language but with unmitigated primal need.

He slowly entered her with a deep guttural groan of pleasure. Her body wrapped around him, holding him, delighting in him. Needing him like she needed air to breathe.

He steadily increased his pace, taking his time so she could find her own rhythm. She moved with him, lifting her hips to each of his downward thrusts, shuddering with pleasure as the friction targeted the most sensitive spot. The pleasure built to a crescendo. She could feel the tension in her body building like the overstretching of a violin string. Her body was singing, humming and thrumming with delicious shockwaves of feeling. A shiver coursed over her skin as he upped the pace, his thrusts deeper, harder and more frantic, as if he too was close to the summit of human pleasure.

He slipped one of his hands between their bodies to heighten the pleasure. It was all she needed to tip over the edge. The orgasm smashed into her in a giant wave that sent her flying higher than she had ever flown before. The combination of human touch, the musky fragrance of male arousal, the stroke and glide of clever hands and the expertise of his lips and tongue made a mockery of everything she had experienced on her own.

Daisy floated down from the heights with a rapturous sigh just in time to feel his release power through him. He tensed over her, poised in that nanosecond between control and freedom. He gave a primal growl and surged deep, shuddering his way through his orgasm, the skin on his back and shoulders rising in the fine gravel of goosebumps beneath her fingertips.

She heard him give a long, deep sigh before he collapsed on top of her, his head buried beside her neck, his breathing still racing.

It was so different being held in a man’s arms. Being wanted. Her body was still tingling with the aftershocks of his possession. She hadn’t expected it to be so utterly consuming. Her entire body had been swept away with the rushing sensations of pleasure. Was it because it was him, not some other man? Was it his experience or something else? Every step of the way he had made sure of her comfort and pleasure. He had taken extra care of her. How could that not have an impact on her reaction to him? He had made her first time not only special but also memorable. How would she ever forget this moment? He had taught her the secrets of her body. Coaxed her into the most amazing orgasm that she could still feel trembling underneath her skin.

Tags: Melanie Milburne Billionaire Romance