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I glance toward my stepdad, Mason, and he cringes, knowing the feelings I have for Lexi. He also knows I would never go there. Her friendship is too important to me. She’s too wild and carefree. She’s never been in a relationship that’s lasted more than a couple months. She does what she wants, when she wants, and she doesn’t like to answer to anyone. She’s the most independent woman I’ve ever known. I love all of that about her, but it also scares the shit out of me, because I’m not sure, if I told her how I feel, I could be the man she needs. I’d like to think I could since I know her better than anyone—aside from her sister. But what if I couldn’t be? It would end with us breaking up, and then I would lose her completely—because everyone knows, couples who break up rarely remain friends. And that’s just not a chance I’m willing to take. Maybe in the future, when she’s older and has calmed down a bit…

“Yes!” Lexi squeals, throwing her arms around me. “That would be so awesome!”

I hug her back, and my eyes meet Georgia’s, who’s grinning from ear to ear. When I cringe, she smirks. Georgia might be soft-spoken and shy around people she doesn’t know, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t paying attention. And based on the look she’s giving me, it’s safe to bet she knows damn well how I feel about Lexi.

“Georgia, what do you think?” Lexi asks her sister.

Georgia smiles. “I think it’s the perfect plan.”

“It’s settled then. We’ll move into Alec’s condo!” Lexi jumps up and down, her hands clapping in excitement, which causes my palms to sweat in nervousness. My gaze meets Mason’s again, and he’s grinning a knowing smile, certain there’s no way I’m going to tell Lexi no.

My eyes close, remembering what it was like the first few months of living with Lexi. I took so many cold showers, she thought I had mysophobia—fear of germs—and was trying to get me to see a therapist. When she mentioned it one night while we were all out to dinner, Mason cracked up laughing, and the next day showed up at the station with several pornos and a bottle of lube as a joke.

I wake up to someone knocking on the door. When I look around, the bed is empty, and the condo is quiet. The girls must’ve left. I grab my cell phone to check the time and see there’s a piece of paper on top of it.

Happy Birthday! See you tonight! Xoxo Lexi and Georgia

I open the door and find Mason standing on the other side with a coffee in his hand and a smile on his face. “Happy Birthday, Son.” He hands me the coffee then pulls me in for a hug.

My mom and Mason married when I was eight years old, and while my biological father is in my life, Mason has become just as much of a father figure over the years as my dad. Mason is now a retired UFC fighter who trains other fighters at Tristan’s gym, but when I was younger, Mason was my idol. I worshipped the ground the man walked on, in and out of the ring, and while I might’ve tamed down my obsession with him the older I got, he’s still someone I look up to. And not just because he was a UFC fighter, but because of the way he loves my mom, my sister, and me. I couldn’t have asked for a better stepdad than Mason.

“Thanks, man, but you didn’t need to come all the way over here to say it. Aren’t we meeting up tonight?” We walk back into the condo, and that’s when I notice Chase is sleeping on the couch. One of the girls must’ve let him in.

“We are, but I was thinking we could get a workout in.”

“Sounds good.” I check my phone and see it’s already three in the afternoon. “Let me get dressed and grab a change of clothes. I’ll just shower at the gym.”

“Is there a reason Chase is sleeping on your couch?” Mason asks when I come back out.

“He’s having marital issues. Hasn’t really said much.”

“Wanna wake him up to go?”

“Nah, let him sleep. I don’t know what time he got here.”

We get to the gym, and the place is packed. There are fighters practicing in the octagons, several using the weights. Even the treadmills are all taken.

“Alec!” Tristan yells from over near one of the octagons. “Get over here!” He gives me a hug. “Happy Birthday, kid.”


“You here to get a workout in?”

“You know it.” The octagon we’re standing next to is empty. “Hey, Mason, wanna spar?”

Mason grins like a fucking Cheshire cat. “I’d hate to beat your ass on your birthday.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance