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“My head hurts, and when I try to remember what happened, it gets worse, like I’m straining my brain or something.”

“Don’t do that.”

“How did this happen?”

Alec sighs. “I don’t know. When you didn’t return my calls or texts, I went looking for you. It was dark out, and I was worried…”

“The last thing I remember was surfing and it was day time. Ricco and my brother were there.”

“Anyone else?”

“Shane had stopped by but left with some friends.”

“What about Jason?”

“No, not that I remember.”

“Aiden found you. Based on the little he said, you were attacked by someone. By the bump on your head and your knees being torn up, I think you hit a rock. Aiden brought you to his tent but didn’t know what to do. You were knocked out.”

I hear everything he’s saying, but none of it makes any sense. I don’t remember any of this. Surely, if all this had happened, I would remember something, anything.

“When I got to the beach, I went to Aiden’s tent and found you. Chase called an ambulance and you were brought here.”

“None of that sounds familiar,” I tell him honestly. “Where’s Aiden? I want to talk to him.”

“He’s at the beach. Chase yelled at him, not knowing his condition, and he kind of freaked out.”

“He must be so worried.” I glance around as if I can somehow get up and leave. Alec must sense what’s going through my head because he shakes his.

“You’re not going anywhere. You took a damn blow to the head, Lex. I could’ve lost you. Your fucking brain was hit.”

“I know, but I’m okay, and I need you to go to Aiden and let him know that I’m okay. He’s got to be freaking out. Please.”

Alec exhales a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll go in the morning.”

“No, now. And bring him some food and water,” I plead. “I once saw some surfers upset Aiden and he retreated into his shell. Refused to leave for days. I had to bring him food and water and coax him to come out.”

“All right,” he reluctantly agrees. “But before I go, I think we should report this to the police.”

“Report what? That I hit my head and scraped my knees, but we don’t know how it happened?”

“Okay.” He stands and kisses the top of my head. “I’m going to go talk to Aiden and hopefully he’ll be able to tell me who did this to you, and then we’re filing a report.”

“Alec, don’t upset him,” I argue as he steps back. “If you get there and he’s upset, do not make it worse.”

“Lex,” he barks, then closes his eyes for a brief moment to calm himself down. He opens his eyes and his gaze sears into mine. “You could’ve died tonight. Chase thinks Aiden—”

“Nope, do not fucking go there,” I yell, making my head explode. “Aiden would never do this to me. Chase doesn’t know him like I do. If someone did this, it wasn’t him. You can ask him, but if he gets worked up, leave him alone. I’m alive and safe in the hospital and that’s all that matters.”

He stares at me for a long minute like he wants to argue, but he must think better of it because he lets out a loud sigh. “Fine, I’ll be back.”

He exits the room, and a few minutes later the nurse comes in and says they’re moving me to a private room since I’ll be here for the next couple days. Once I’m situated, my family comes to visit.

Georgia cries that she was worried and feels bad she didn’t worry sooner. Of course, I tell her that’s ridiculous. My parents coddle me, asking if I’m okay and if I need anything. Max stands in the corner, feeling guilty because apparently he left me at the beach alone, which I tell him is an absurd reason to feel guilty since I’ve been going to the beach by myself since I was sixteen and have stayed after dark too many damn times to count. Mason and Mila visit with Anna but leave shortly after so I can get some rest. Micaela calls Georgia, who tells me she’s thinking about me and loves me.

Once everyone has seen I’m okay and alive, I tell them all they can go home. It’s late—or rather early—and they all look like zombies.

A couple hours later, while my family is still hanging out and refusing to leave, Alec walks through the door. He says hello to my family and then says, “I spoke to Aiden.”

“Aiden?” Georgia asks. “You think he did this?” I can hear it in her voice, she doesn’t believe he’s capable of doing something like this. I don’t know who did this or why they would want to hurt me, but my gut tells me it wasn’t Aiden.

“Who’s Aiden?” Dad asks.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance