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“No, the guys were,” I tell her, already making my way down the hall to jump in the shower. Once my body is clean and rid of the saltwater, I get out and get dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top.

When I come out, I find Georgia in her room. She has the next episode of The O.C. ready to play. I cuddle up in her bed next to her, and my head falls onto her shoulder. I’m not sure how many episodes we watch before we both pass out.


“You’re more than welcome to crash at my place,” I tell Chase as we walk to our vehicles. It’s finally eight in the morning, which means we’re off for the next four days. “I was only fucking with you yesterday about squatting on my couch.”

“I know, man, and I appreciate it, but… I need to go home.” Chase shrugs. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Because my birthday is today, I’m celebrating with my family tonight and my friends tomorrow night. Both parties were completely their doing and not mine. It’s funny, when you’re little, you can’t wait to get older, but then once you’re older, you want time to stop. Not that I’m old. I’m only turning twenty-five today. But I’m pretty sure I’m too old to still be having multiple parties. I laugh when I think about Lexi arguing with me, insisting she throw me a birthday party at Club Hectic. We both know the party is more for her than me, but I’ll let her have it. Lexi loves finding any reason to party, and I love watching her party.

I’m pulling up to my house, when my phone rings. Seeing that it’s my dad, I answer the call.

“Hey, old man.”

“Don’t talk shit, Son. You’re getting up there in age, too.”

“If I’m getting old then that must make you ancient,” I joke.

“Not ancient, just wiser. I wanted to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’ll see you tonight, right?” My mom and stepdad, Mason, are having a dinner party at their house to celebrate my birthday. I’m one of the lucky kids whose parents are divorced and actually get along, so everyone, including my dad and my stepmom, are invited.

“Of course. You just getting off your shift?”

“Yep, I’m off for the next four days.” My eyes are already starting to close of their own accord—we were up all night putting out a house fire and didn’t get any sleep—but I will them to stay open so I can finish this conversation with my dad and then head upstairs to bed.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have brunch with me on Sunday.”

“That sounds great.” Every year for my birthday we always go to brunch just the two of us. Even if it didn’t fall on his weekend with me, he would come and pick me up for the day.

“Eleven okay?”

“Yeah, and, Dad?”


“How about this year you bring Lacie? I know it’s always just been the two of us, but she’s part of our family too now.” They’ve been together for a few years and were married last year. I don’t know her well, since I’m older and don’t live with my dad, but she’s sweet and good to him.

He’s silent on the phone for a beat before he says, “Thank you, Alec. That means a lot to me, and I know it’ll mean a lot to her.”

“I’ll see you guys tonight.”

“I love you, Alec.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

I open the door and the place is quiet. The girls must be sleeping. Because they’re on summer break, they don’t have any classes, which means they’ll sleep until noon. I spot them both sleeping in Georgia’s room, and after getting changed out of my uniform and taking a quick shower to rinse off, I slip into bed with them. Lexi must feel me, because she rolls over and lays her head down on my chest.

I dip my head to give the top of her head a kiss. I can smell her coconut-scented shampoo mixed with saltwater. It doesn’t matter how many times she showers, I think she’ll always smell like the ocean, and I’ll never be able to go to the beach without thinking of her. As my fingers run up and down her back, my thoughts go back to last year, right after Georgia and Lexi finished their sophomore year at UCLA and Lexi insisted it was time for them to live on their own. Of course, she had to bring it up during a barbecue when everyone was there…

“It’s time for Georgia and me to move out,” Lexi says nonchalantly.

Tristan, Lexi and Georgia’s dad, chokes on his beer. “Excuse me?” His eyes are wide, and he looks like he’s about to lock his daughter up in her room without a key.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance