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“Nah, tonight starts Operation Get Lexi.”

Georgia walks out of her room and laughs. “Operation Get Lexi?” She shakes her head. “Only my sister would require an actual operation to get her to see what she already knows.” She grabs her purse off the end table. “I’m heading over to Robert’s. Be back later.”

“Things are moving a little fast with him,” I mention, making Georgia roll her eyes.

“Not everyone waits twenty years to admit they like someone. Bye!” she yells, closing the door behind her before I can say another word.


I open the front door and tiptoe inside. It’s late—I stayed out surfing later than I planned. Okay, let’s be honest, I did it on purpose. Ever since Alec told me he wants more, I’ve been avoiding him. And since the night he showed up to my date, I’ve been double-y avoiding him. I know it’s immature, but I don’t know what else to do. I almost gave in that day at the beach, and again, when he cornered me in the restaurant, and I know if he keeps pressing it, I’ll eventually give in. My plan is to stay away long enough that he comes to his senses and realizes he’s not actually in love with me, but in love with the idea of being in love. Then, once he admits it, I’ll tell him it’s all good and things will go back to normal between us.

But then why did you tell Jason you needed to hold off on going out with him again?

Pushing that thought away, I set my surfboard against the wall and notice Chase is lying on the couch, texting on his phone.

“Hey,” he says, without looking up. “You can sneak in all you want, but Alec is on to you.”

I glare at him. “Shouldn’t you be out screwing your way through LA?” I immediately regret my snippy comment. Chase is a good guy. He’s just hurt over his wife cheating. I can’t really blame him for wanting to get lost in other women to get over his wife. I’m not sure how I would react if I were in his shoes.

“Leaving soon,” Chase volleys, as I walk down the hallway toward my room.

“There she is,” Alec says, appearing out of nowhere.

“Jesus, you scared me.” My hand clutches my chest.

“Sorry, I heard you talking to Chase.”

“Is he like officially living with us?” I whisper.

“I’m not really sure.” He shrugs. “He’s got a lot of shit going on. Are you okay with him crashing here? Because if you aren’t…” I love that Alec would be willing to kick his friend out if it makes me uncomfortable, but I would never ask him to do that, and truthfully, I don’t mind Chase here.

“No…He’s fine staying here. I was just thinking that maybe you should offer to share your bed, so he doesn’t have to keep sleeping on the couch.” I smirk playfully.

“Men don’t share beds like you women do. The couch is all he’s getting.” He steps closer, invading my personal space, and I suddenly find myself backed up against the wall in our hallway. “But I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with you.” He waggles his eyebrows, and the butterflies that were dormant in my belly take off. This is exactly why I’ve been avoiding Alec.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” I breathe out.

“On the contrary.” Alec rests his palms on either side of my head. “I think it would be a great idea.” He runs his nose along my cheek and down my jawline. “What do you say, Lex?” He presses his lips to the rapidly beating pulse point on my neck. “Share a bed with me, and we can give Chase his own room.”

“Shit, sorry, guys,” Chase says, walking past us and snapping me out of the moment. “I’m jumping in the shower and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

“Actually,” I say, ducking under Alec’s arm. “Alec and I were just talking.”

“We were?” Alec says, his voice perking up.

“Yeah. We were saying, instead of you sleeping on the couch, you can have one of the rooms.”

Chase’s brows go to his forehead. “You don’t have to do that.”

“We know, but we want to. I have to talk to Georgia, but I’m sure she’ll agree. I’ll move my stuff into her room and then you can have my room.”

“You sure?” Chase asks.


“Thanks.” He smiles appreciatively. “Let me know how much the bills are, and we’ll split them,” he says before he disappears into the bathroom.

Once he’s gone, Alec is back in my space. “Georgia has a new boyfriend. Don’t you think she’ll want her own space? You can share a room with me.”

“Good one.” I pat his chest. “Not happening.”

He chuckles. “Oh, it will definitely happen. You will be sharing a bed with me soon enough.” He lowers his head and brings his lips to my ear. “And when it does, it’s going to be fucking amazing.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance