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But he’d hate me and I’d rather leave knowing that Morgan is taken care of. She’s the only reason I’m doing this. Next week, we’ll move into our own place and start a life that will be healthier than what we’re doing now.

As soon as we arrived back from our day trip, Finn went to the office, leaving me to sit and think. It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve seen my baby and I miss her.

“Hey,” Steph says when she answers. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Second time you’ve called today. Either you’re calling because you’re really homesick or you’re calling to tell me you aren’t coming home.” She sighs, before continuing. “And if you told me that, I’d tell you that I love you, but you need to come home.”

“I’m coming home, Steph. I promise.”

“That’s good. Do you want to tell me what’s going on there?”

I shake my head, even though she can’t see me. “I can’t,” I tell her, letting my thoughts wander a bit too much as I look out over the Vegas skyline. I could see myself living here, with Morgan, but we’d be alone and that’s something I can’t do to her. As much as I hate to admit it, I depend on Steph and my mother to help out.

“Are you in trouble?”

“No, I’m not. I’m fine, Steph. More than fine, really. And I’ll be home tomorrow. Will you be able to pick me up?”


“Yeah, I need . . .” I don’t know what I need except to get away from Finn and the hold that he has over me. It’s starting to take shape. My mind and body want more than he’ll ever offer. Not that I expect him to change, but there is hope. “I need to be home.”

“Okay, yeah, Morgan and I will be there.”

“Speaking of, is she still awake?”

“Hang on.” Steph calls out for Morgan as I wait patiently, checking over my shoulder every few seconds, wondering if Finn will come barging in. I know he’s heard me saying Morgan’s name and believes that she’s a man. I let him think that because I know it gives him some perverse pleasure thinking he’s taking me away from someone else.

“Hi, Mommy.”

My eyes close at the sound of her voice. Tomorrow, she and I will be cuddled up in a bed in some hotel because I refuse to go back to my mother’s. The money Finn has given me is more than enough to give us a fresh start at a new life. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but after tonight, stripping is no longer an option for me. I want to find a career that Morgan can tell her friends about.

“Hey, baby. One more day.”

“I know. I’m excited.”

“Me too. Things are going to be different for us when I get home. No more hiding in closets, okay?”

“Who’s hiding in closets?” I startle at the sound of Finn. I turn just enough to find him standing behind me, leaning against the doorjamb. I swallow hard and struggle to push down the fear that is trying to take over.

“I’ll call you later. I love you, Morgan.”

She tells me she loves me and hangs up, saving me from having to answer any questions.

“No one you need to worry about,” I tell Finn. I turn off my phone and slip it into my pocket. It’s been off most of the time for fear that Finn would answer it. I don’t think that he would invade my privacy like that, but I had to be sure.

He eyes me warily and pushes himself off the door casing. Each step toward me is calculated. My breath hitches when his fingers come into contact with my skin. Finn nudges me gently into the balcony wall, causing me to gasp. I can feel him, hard and ready, as he brushes himself against my lower back.

“My friends want to go out tonight. Do you want to go?” he asks, standing behind me. I shake my head. Two nights with his friends, especially Brady, is enough to last me a lifetime.

“No,” he says verbally for me. “It’ll be a good time.”

“You can go. I need to start packing anyway.”

He nods, but doesn’t pull his fingers away from my skin. It’s ridiculous, but the subtle touches are turning me on. It’s like a preview of what’s to come.

“Our time is almost up. Do you really think I’m going to leave you?”

I shrug, not knowing the answer. After earlier, I thought he’d forgo any more sex. Maybe I’m wrong.

“Foolish thinking, Macey. You’re still mine.”

Yes, of course I am.

“I’ll be here when you get back.”

“Mhm,” he whispers as his lips kiss the back of my neck. Chills run down my arms, spine and through my core. One simple touch from him and I’m putty. He knows this and it’s probably what has made our week of fucking so spectacular. I’m torn about missing him when I’m gone. The loneliness will be heavy, but the burden I carry will be lifted. I’ll have a new life thanks to him.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance