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“So fucking wet and all mine,” I remind her as I fill her hole with my cock.

Macey looks at me over her shoulder, watching me as I fuck her. Our eyes never part as I find my release and as much as I want to look away, I can’t. Knowing she can see the satisfaction I get from fucking her makes my orgasm all the more powerful.



I’m not supposed to like Finn. I’m supposed to be here only for the money, to give Morgan and me a better life. Yet, as I watch him standing across the room where an older woman has her hand on his arm and is throwing her head back in laughter because of something he’s said, I feel rage boil within me. I shouldn’t be jealous. I know he’s not mine and never will be, but after spending the past few days with him, I am.

When I said yes to his proposition, I was determined to make his life hell. I wanted him to regret ever asking me to do this, but even when I’m being sarcastic or defiant, I want to be with him. My body craves the attention he’s giving and more. Yesterday was proof that I’m in too deep. I have no doubt he questions the things I say to him about only being a stripper after I bared all, after I started pleasuring myself in front of him because I had this uncontrollable urge to do so. The exhilaration I felt at seeing him morph from a man who wanted his dick sucked into a man desperate to bring us both pleasure was indescribable. My body tingled with anticipation knowing that I was making his resolve break, that I was in the one in control.

I’m stupid to think anything has changed between us. Sex doesn’t change people, emotions do, and Finn has his locked down tight. Not that I blame him. I knew from the get-go that once the week was over, we’d go our separate ways and that would be that.

So if I know that, then why am I jealous of the woman he’s talking to? I shouldn’t care. My throat shouldn’t be constricting nor should my eyes be watering. Yet, as I stand here, across the room from him, he looks happy. Finn looks content even though he’s surrounded by the people who push and pull him in every direction.

Tonight has been fun. Hell, dressing up in the gowns I chose has been a fantasy come true, but as my stomach rolls and the anxiety builds I can’t help but think my replacement is standing next to Finn. Soon I’ll be going home and this week of luxury will be a distant memory. Even the money I’m being paid won’t erase the thought of how my life could’ve been so much different.

With steely resolve I make my way over to Finn and the other woman. Her eyes land on me first and I smile, softly, but she doesn’t return the sentiment. When Finn turns, I can’t tell if the expression on his face is meant for me or was for her. Either way, I’m not about to find out.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“It’s fine, what do you need?” he says, answering my earlier question. He doesn’t want me near him right now and hasn’t since we walked in.

“I’m going to take a cab back to the hotel. I’m not feeling well.” I don’t give him a chance to respond as I hike my dress up and walk briskly out of the room. If people are staring, I’m not paying attention. My watery eyes are focused on the door, as I push the heavy metal bar forward and walk out.

Once again I find myself running through a casino in a dress, but at least this time the men who happen to glance my way don’t assume I’m a hooker or someone looking for a good time. They might make the assumption that my heart is broken and it is, but that’s my own fault. Finn has never promised me anything except money, clothes and sex, all three of which he has delivered on.

Luckily for me, the line for a taxi is empty and I’m able to slide right in. I tell the driver to take me to Allure, wishing I was going somewhere alone for the night. I need a break from Finn and the intensity of our situation.

When the valet sees me, he smiles and tells the cab driver to submit a bill to the hotel and that I’m Mr. McCormick’s special guest. “Special,” what a crock-of-shit word for a high-priced escort. As much as I want to disagree with him, I don’t. I thank him and walk as fast as I can to the elevators.

As luck would have it, I’m not the only one needing to get to their room. A loud, drunk and slightly obnoxious group of people are playing the game of which door will open first. This is where I wish Finn had a private elevator, but he insists on being an equal when he’s clearly not.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance