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When he appears in front of me, he’s naked and sliding a rubber onto his erection. He cups my pussy, immediately pushing two fingers into me and pumping vigorously. I hiss at the contact and lean back, taking the pain that comes with being on the stairs.

“Stand up,” he says, pulling his hand out from between my legs. I do, only to have him sit down. “Ride me.” He holds his erection so I can sit on him, taking him deep between my folds.

“Shit,” I mumble as I slowly start to move up and down. Finn takes my hands and places them on the railings, giving me the leverage I need to fuck him.

“Everyone on the rooftop opposite us can see if they’re looking.”

“I don’t care.” I throw my head back from the sensation of having him in me. He reaches around, placing a finger between my cheeks, adding a bit of pressure to my ass. My nerve endings are on fire and I like it. My body becomes frenzied as I rock back and forth against him. My heels scrap on the steps, but I don’t falter.

“Fuck, Macey, I can feel you starting to come.”

“Yes, oh fuck, yes.”

An explosion of heat and a quiver washes over me as my orgasm courses through my body. Even as I slow down, Finn picks up the pace, moving my hips up and down until he finds his release.

Spent, I collapse onto his body and stay there, knowing that my ass is in clear view.

“Can they really see us?”

He chuckles and kisses my neck. “Only if they have binoculars or if we were outside.” He pauses before adding, “Don’t worry, though, I plan to fuck you while you’re overlooking the balcony.”

I sigh, somehow knowing that I’ll likely enjoy it.

“Come on,” he says, picking me up. He carries me to the bathroom with his dick still inside of me, sitting down on the edge of the tub. “A bubble bath is in order. Change and I’ll be right back.”

Finn marches out of the room after starting the bath. I slowly strip out of my garments and set them on the floor before climbing in. When he comes back, he’s carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

“I hate to waste this by drinking it,” he says, pouring the liquid into the flutes.

“Excuse me?”

“No, don’t take that wrong. What I meant was I totally had planned to lick this off you later.”

Finn hands me a glass and then pours his own.

“Well, in that case, cheers.” We clink glasses and he slides in. The mountain of bubbles flies everywhere when he scoots in behind me, causing me to laugh. He pulls me back against his chest and I sigh, telling my heart to shut down because as nice as this feels, it’s over in a week and I’ll be back to being Macey Webster, single mom, waitress and stripper, instead of the Macey Webster I am now. The one who is falling for the one man who could single-handedly destroy my life.



“How was your weekend?”

I look up to find Hannah walking into my office with a cup of coffee in her hand. This isn’t one of her job requirements, but it’s not unusual for her to do something like this either, although it’s usually after I’ve had a late night. Not on a Monday.

“Thanks for the coffee,” I say, taking a sip. I’m not normally a coffee drinker, but in this case I need the energy. Yesterday, Macey and I didn’t do anything except lie around by the pool, sipping on cocktails and enjoying the sun. It’s rare that I ever do that and it happened only because I asked her what she wanted to do. I could’ve told her no, but I have figured out quickly that a happy Macey means nothing smartass is coming out of her mouth and she’s likely not plotting to maim me.

Hannah clears her throat, causing me to look at her. She’s smiling, which in turn makes me smile as well.

“My weekend was good. How was yours?”

“Great. I ran into Brandy yesterday.”

I groan and lean back in my chair. The whole fiasco with Brandy, Brady and Mr. Cordova hasn’t sat well with me since Macey told me everything. I spoke with Brady yesterday and laid it on the line for him. He’s my best friend, but that title can easily be revoked if he fucks around with Macey. I also asked him to rein in his sister because I don’t like how she went after Macey in the bathroom. He said he gets it, but we’ll see. As far as Brandy, she’s a lost cause in my book. Her stunt with Macey has solidified my stance on her—no more. From here on out, I’ll go stag to my events or find another sorority chick to take with me.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance