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“Did I hurt you?” I ask, cupping her cheek. There’s an overwhelming urge to kiss her fully on the lips, but kissing complicates feelings and I don’t want her to get any ideas that I care about her beyond our agreement.

“No, not at all.”

“Did I scare you?” My free hand moves over her ass until my finger presses on the end of her tailbone.

She shakes her head. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Hmm, maybe we’ll try it,” I say, leaning down to speak softly in her ear. That’s when I kiss her, letting my lips linger there for a bit longer than necessary. “Let’s shower.” I don’t give her the option to back out or tell me she has other plans. We need to meet the car service in a few hours and still need to eat. The room service we called up last night has done nothing to calm my angry stomach right now.

While I’m tossing the condom in the trash, she steps into the shower and turns on both showerheads. The thought is comical if she thinks I’m not going to touch her while she’s in there with soap covering her perfect tits. I grab a condom from the drawer and carry it into the shower. I’m going to be prepared no matter what.

Inside, she stands under the hot rush of water with her eyes closed. Her neck moves from side to side. Using this as an opportunity, I pour her soap into my hands and start massaging her shoulders and neck. She tenses at first, but relaxes almost immediately. I love that she’s shorter than me, giving me ample height to rub my hands down her chest and over her impressive rack. I tweak her nipples every few passes, earning an audible gasp over the cascading water.

Macey turns in my arms and pushes me until my back is pressed against the cold tiles. I watch with rapt attention as her eyes travel over my body, but lose my senses when her hand grips my dick. The semi-flaccid state is no longer an issue as he springs to attention. When she licks her lips and drops to her knees, my hand springs out and slams against the wall while my other one tangles in her hair.

She pumps me slowly, building up the anticipation of what she’s about to do. Her eyes never leave mine as her tongue starts at the base of my cock and traverses to the tip. Blue eyes flutter shut as she wraps her lips around the head, moaning as she takes me as deep as she can.

“Holy fuck,” I say, gripping her hair. The vibration is something I’ve never felt this intensely before and it has my balls tightening.

Macey’s fingers dig into my hips, using my body as leverage to rock back and forth. I remove my hand from her hair. I usually have to guide my companions to achieve the pleasure I need, but not in this case. Everything Macey is doing is sending me over the proverbial cliff and the free fall feels absolutely amazing.

“I’m going to come,” I tell her. She pulls away and grips my dick in her hand, keeping her eyes focused on me. Each pump brings me closer to the edge until I’m calling out and flexing my hips into her hand. Hot jizz lands on her shoulder and chest inciting something feral inside of me. I reach for the condom I brought in and rip the package open. She stands, watching my every move, and once I’ve protected us both, she bends over slightly, showing me her ass.

“Will there be food there?” she asks, as we both get dressed. After the shower, we both ended up back in bed. The intent was to take a nap, but even the best intentions are tossed by the wayside when you have a goddess in your bed.

“Yes, a full meal,” I say, pulling up the zipper on her dress. If I ever had any doubts that Macey was the perfect woman to be on my arm this week, they’re gone. She’s radiant in her scarlet red gown. The off-the-shoulder number is the reason I didn’t leave any telling marks on her neck, even though an impression of my teeth is on her butt cheek. I absentmindedly rub the location that I bit earlier, letting her know that I’m sorry.

“How do I look?” She turns in front of me. Her hair is curled and pinned off to the side and her lipstick matches the color of her dress. Those lips . . . the merest thoughts of what she did to me earlier causes my dick to stand up.

“Gorgeous,” I tell her honestly. “I’m going to have trouble keeping you all to myself.”

Her face pales, causing me to look at her questioningly. “What’s wrong?”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance