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“Tonight that will change.”

Her mouth drops open and before she can fire off a witty response, Carlotta is back and whisking Macey away. While she’s changing into her next round of clothes I fire off a text to the guys, letting them know that I’m bringing someone to dinner. My phone chimes back with a text from Brady.

I don’t want to hang with my sister tonight.

I scoff at the idea that I’d bring her along. Outside of college, Brandy and I have never dated socially. Yes, she’s my plus one for a lot of events, but that’s where the night ends, much to her displeasure.

Not Brandy, I respond before pocketing my phone. The fashion show continues, but this time Carlotta has added some spice to the wardrobe. When Macey walks out in a black bra and panty set, complete with stockings and a garter, my cock stirs.

She stands in front of me with her hands on her hips, waiting for my approval. Little does she know that everything she’s come out in has turned me on. I motion for her to spin, and she does, slowly. When her backside is facing me, she cocks her head to the side to see if I’m looking at her. Boy, am I ever.

“I like it.” This is the first time I’ve given her verbal approval of anything and it doesn’t escape her notice that I’ve commented only on the first piece of lingerie she’s shown me.

Macey turns with a huff, marching back to the dressing room. I can hear Carlotta commenting on her beauty and that’s something I can wholeheartedly agree with. The worn-out and tired woman I saw earlier this afternoon looks nothing like the one who is modeling for me now. Sure, she’s still tired, but there’s a different spark in her eye. I have no doubt she’s going to test me, give me a run for my money, but it’s going to be worth it.

She reappears in the dress that she arrived in, with Carlotta behind her.

“Are we all set?” I ask, standing to meet Macey. She keeps her distance and avoids looking at me.

“We are, Mr. McCormick. Shall I send these to your penthouse?”

“Yes, please.”

I place my hand on Macey’s back, the spot that I will be holding on to later when I’m buried deep inside her, and direct her out of the store and back through the almost empty mall.

“Thank you,” she says quietly.

“You’re welcome. Did you get everything you need?”

“I think so.”

“Well, if not, you can pick up whatever else you need tomorrow.”

We continue out of the mall and across the street, walking until we arrive at the Cosmopolitan. The doorman greets me by name and I hear Macey mutter something unintelligible.

“Mr. McCormick,” the host says when I walk in. The line to get into Estiatorio Milos is long and I hear people grumble as we pass.

“I’m meeting some friends,” I tell him as I guide Macey into the restaurant, spotting the guys easily. I point in their direction so Macey knows where we’re heading. They all stand to greet us, which is something they’d never do if I were alone.

“Seth, Cory and Brady, this is Macey, an old friend from home.”

Macey takes the time to shake each of their hands, but it’s Brady who lingers too long. When he catches my eye and smirks I know what’s going through his mind without hearing the words. He finds her attractive. What he doesn’t know is that she’s completely off-limits.

When he slides into the booth to sit next to her, my hands clench at my sides and my teeth grind together. He’s sitting a little too close for comfort and I don’t like it. Nor do I like the way they’re looking at each other.

As soon as I sit down, my fingers are pulling the fabric of her dress up until her thigh is exposed. This doesn’t draw her attention away from what Brady is saying to her, which angers me slightly. She’s supposed to be focusing on me, not him. Call me a stingy fucker, but for the amount I’m paying her to be at my beck and call, she should be saddled up tight against me.

I place my palm on her leg and let my pinky inch closer to her pussy. She closes her legs, causing me to laugh. When she looks over, her cheeks are on fire and she’s glaring. I’m not sure why and I don’t really care.

Leaning in, I whisper, “It’ll be easier for me to finger you if you’re sitting next to me, that is unless you want my friends to know what I’m doing. You never know, they might want a turn.”

She gasps and moves closer. It’s a low blow, but had to be done. And until I said the words to her I never had any intention of touching her inappropriately in public, but maybe I should. Maybe that would excite her, get her to open up a bit. I can’t imagine this situation is ideal and had she not lost the insane amount of money she did earlier, she wouldn’t be here.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance