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The elevator stops, keeping me from kissing her. That is something I haven’t done in a while—kiss a woman. I’m not talking a quick peck on the lips or cheek, but a full-blown tongue in her mouth, with one hand on her face and the other on her back, pulling her into me. Kisses lead to feelings I have no intention of exploring with anyone so why do it? Even when I’m fucking them, I have a strict no-kissing rule. Kissing means emotions and emotions are something I don’t do. I don’t want the complications.

Macey’s shoes scuff the marble floor as she struggles to keep up with me. I open the door to my penthouse and let her enter first. I’m not worried about what she thinks because I have a feeling this is the nicest place she has ever been in.

She walks in with caution, eyeing everything around her. I stay behind, not wanting to crowd her, but also so I can watch her. When she makes it over to the windows I know that I’ll be fucking her against them soon. She’s an exhibitionist by trade; surely getting fucked where millions could be watching would get her off, right?

“Your view is amazing.”

I cock my head to the side and see a sliver of her ass peeking out from under her robe. The temptation to get started on getting to know her is pressing against the zipper of my slacks, but work calls first.

“You have no idea,” I mutter as I walk toward her. I stand behind her, letting her feel my arousal as it presses through my pants. She tenses when my hands rest on her hips.

“Do you know what we’ll be doing with you pressed against the window?”

“I have a good idea.”

I chuckle and remove myself from the situation before I do something she’s not ready for. Right now, she’s dressed like a whore and when we have sex I want her dressed like a respectable woman, one worthy of my attention.

“Let me give you a tour.”

I take her hand in mine and show her around my penthouse. The gasps each time we enter a room don’t go unnoticed.

“How do you sleep?” she asks when we enter my bedroom. The walls are all glass and the bright lights from the Strip light up the room twenty-four hours a day.

“Like this.” I flip the switch that drops curtains down and suddenly the room is pitch-black. I make sure to turn the lights on so she doesn’t feel any more scared than she already is.

“Where will I sleep?”

I point to my bed. “Right there.”

“Maybe we should get this out of the way now.”

Macey turns to face me and slowly unties her robe, letting it fall from her shoulders until it’s pooling around her feet. Her tits are on full display, making my mouth water. I’d love to take them into my mouth and bite down on her nipples as my fingers slide between her wet folds.

I do what she expects and give her a once-over. Her stomach is flat, but looks incredibly soft and well-toned, and even though her pussy is covered, by the way my dick is jumping to attention, I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy being buried between her legs. Walking around her, I slap her ass hard, causing her to jump before I start massaging the sting away.

“Is this what you want, Macey? Do you want to fuck?” I ask her, brushing my cloth-covered dick against the swell of her ass. When she doesn’t answer, I step away.

She turns and glares at me, her nipples peaked from the anticipation of getting some action.

The doorbell rings, startling her.

“Saved by the bell,” I say, stepping to her. My fingers trail up and down her arms, causing goosebumps to rise all over her skin. “Go take a shower. I’ll bring everything you need into the bathroom.”

I storm down the hall, palming my dick for a tiny bit of relief. The thought of bedding her now runs rampant through my mind, especially knowing she’s in my shower and her hands are roaming over her body.

Swinging the door open, Hannah stands there with a bag. I have no idea what Lamar told her to buy, but I take it from her and attempt to close the door.

“Did you kidnap someone?”

“No, I ran into an old friend who was robbed. I’m helping her out.” The lie falls easily from my lips. I have never lied to Hannah before and I don’t like it. I’ve always been able to trust her, but considering I told Macey no one would know about our little arrangement, I’m keeping my word.

“Let me know if you need anything else.” Hannah turns to leave, but I call out.

“Did you reply to those events today?”

“Yes. Should I let them know that Brandy will be joining you?”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Vegas Billionaire Billionaire Romance