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“Yep,” Frankie answered. “Should be here any minute.”


Sean helped Frankie get out the paper plates and put them on the table, while I filled our glasses with ice. Frankie had a nice place with plenty of room for her and the boys. The kitchen was a bit smaller than mine, but equally as nice with bits of Frankie’s personality scattered throughout. There was an oversized sofa with two large recliners in the living room, and a TV mounted over the fireplace. It wasn’t overly extravagant, but it was comfortable and warm. Being there helped ease the knot that had been building in the pit of my stomach over Danny and Badger. I knew I needed to get back soon, but I needed this short reprieve in case all hell broke out.

When the pizza came, I paid the delivery guy, then carried the boxes over to the table. The boys swooped in, and in a matter of minutes, their plates were piled high, and they were diving in. Frankie and I followed suit, and the room fell silent as we all started to eat. The silence didn’t last long. I was just starting my second slice when Sean asked, “You ever play video games?”

“Never had much interest in them.”

“Oh.” He thought for a moment, then asked, “What about sports?”

“Played a little football in high school.”

“That’s cool. What position did you play?”

“Tight end.”

“I could see that. Coach wants me to try out for the team next year to help me with my reflexes and speed, but I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do yet.” He took a bite of pizza, chomped down for a second, then with his mouth still full, he asked, “You got any brothers or sisters?”

“Dang, dude,” Corry fussed. “What’s with the twenty questions?”

“What?” Sean looked at Corry like he’d just punched him in the gut. “Widow doesn’t mind, do ya? I mean, if you do, I’ll stop.”

“I don’t mind. I’ve got a younger brother. His name is Madden, and we got along about as well as you and your brother do.”

I glanced over at Frankie and found her smiling like the Cheshire cat. She was clearly amused by my exchange with the boys, and to be honest, I was rather amused by it myself. It was the closest I’d ever come to a real family dinner. There was no fussing or screaming. There were no bruises or broken bones that we had to pretend weren’t there. It didn’t feel like I was sitting there waiting for a fucking bomb to drop. Instead, it was just easy. I could just sit there and enjoy the moment. That wasn’t something I was used to. It certainly wasn’t something I thought I’d ever actually enjoy, but I did. And that had me feeling guilty. I’d been hoping one of the brothers would call and say they’d found Danny and Badger laid up with a hell of a hangover, but that call never came—which had that knot in my stomach returning.

We’d all just finished eating when Sean turned to Frankie and asked, “Are we still gonna watch the movie?”

“I don’t know, Sean. It’s getting kind of late and....”

“It’s not even seven yet,” he pouted. “Come on. You promised.”

“You guys go ahead. I’ve gotta get back.”

“You can’t stay a little longer?” Frankie asked, sounding disappointed.

“Sorry, but I’ve already stayed longer than I should.” I looked over to Sean as I said, “I’ll stay for the next one.”

“Okay. Bye Widow.”

I gave them a quick wave as I said, “Bye boys. I’ll see ya soon.”

When we started out of the kitchen, Frankie told Sean, “Go start the movie. I’ll be right back.”

I followed Frankie through the kitchen and out the front door. As soon as we were outside, she looked up to me and said, “I hate you have to rush off.”

“Yeah, me too. I’d stay if I could.”

“Well, you saved the day with the pizza.”

“I’m sure you would’ve managed without me.”

“I’m glad I didn’t have to.”

I slipped my arms around her waist, pulling her close. Her soft, delectable lips called out to me, begging to be devoured. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I gently pressed my mouth against hers and instantly felt my world rock beneath me. Feeling the same hunger, a light moan vibrated through her chest as her arms wrapped around my neck, and her hands quickly began tangling in my hair as she pressed her breasts against my chest. My hands roamed down her back and over the curves of her ass as I thought about how unbelievably perfect she felt in my arms.

Remembering we were out in her driveway where anyone could see, I pulled back, but the second I looked down at her lust-filled eyes, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in for another. She opened her mouth with a low moan, and I delved deeper, savoring the soft caress of her lips and the quickening of her breath. This woman had no idea what she was doing to me. The feelings I had for her scared the hell out of me, but there was no fear great enough for me to walk away from her. As I released her mouth, I looked down at her and whispered, “You sure don’t make it easy to go.”

Tags: L. Wilder Ruthless Sinners MC Erotic