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After he left the parking lot, I got my inventory log out of my backseat and headed back into the coffee shop. As soon as I walked back into the store, my sister Sydney asked, “So, who’s the hot guy?”

“What hot guy?”

“The one you were just talking to in the parking lot.”

“Oh, that was just Widow,” I answered innocently.

Sydney was several years younger than me. She was still single with no kids, and even though she was taking a few classes at our local community college, she wasn’t in a big rush to graduate. I didn’t mind. I liked having her there at the coffee shop with me. Her brows furrowed as she asked, “Widow?”

“I told you about him...He’s the guy who helped Sean and I fix the flat the other night.”

“You never told me his name was Widow.” Sydney perched her hand on her hip as she fussed, “And you certainly didn’t tell me that the guy was smokin’ hot!”

“I guess I just forgot.”

“You forgot to tell me that the man looks like he came right out of Play Girl magazine! Are you kidding me?” She tossed her long, red hair back and batted her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling. “Oh my God. The things I could do to that man. I can’t believe you’d even think of passing that up!”

Sydney and I had always been polar opposites. Where I was older and more reserved, she was young and carefree. I overthought everything, and she always acted on a whim. I was single with two kids, and she had none. The only thing we had in common was the fact that we were both single, but that didn’t stop us from being the best of friends. We told each other everything, so I understood why she was surprised I hadn’t told her more about my encounter with Widow. I gave her a light shrug as I said, “He’s very handsome, but...”

“No buts, sis. He’s hot, and I could tell from all the way in here that he was looking at you like you were a snack! I’m telling ya, you should get you some of that.”

“You and I both know I’m not the kind to ‘get me some of that’, Sydney.”

“Well, you should be.” Her expression softened as she said, “And I’m being serious when I say that. You’re always so busy doing for everyone else. You never think about doing anything for yourself.”

“You think hooking up with someone like Widow would be doing something for myself?” I scoffed.


“I’d just end up with an even more screwed-up ego. A guy like him could have any woman he wants. There’s no way he’d waste his time on someone like me.”

“Oh really?” She crossed her arms with a condescending look. “Then why was he out in our parking lot today?”

“He was just making sure I’d gotten the tire fixed.”

“Um-hmm. And you think that’s the only reason he was here? Really?”

“Don’t make something out of nothing, Syd. He was just being nice.”

She shook her head, “A man like him doesn’t do nice, Sis.”

“Well, he’s being nice to me. He’s even coming over tonight to fix the tire.”

“He’s what?” Sydney gasped.

“It’s not like that.”

“Oh, it most certainly is!”

“No, Sydney.”

“Yes!” She stepped over to me and smiled. “Look, I’m not telling you to get involved with the guy. I’m saying a little hookup might do you good. You know, dust the cobwebs off and all that.”

“It’s not been that long,” I lied.

“You haven’t had sex with anyone since Marc, and that was years ago. So, yeah.” She motioned her hand below my waist. “You’ve definitely got a cobweb situation happening there.”

“You are such an ass.”

“Yeah, but you love me.” Sydney winked, then turned back to the counter. “I’ll leave you alone about it, but only after I say one last thing.”


“The man is all kinds of fine.”

“You are a mess.” I shooed my hand at her as I said, “Get back to work. The lunch rush will start soon.”

“You got it, Boss.”

With the intention of getting some work done, I took my inventory log to my office and sat down. Unfortunately, the second I opened my logbook, my mind drifted to my sister and what she’d said about Widow. She was right about the fact I hadn’t had sex with anyone since Marc. It wasn’t that I hadn’t wanted to. I just hadn’t had the opportunity. I’ve been too busy—first with piecing my life back together and then getting the shop off the ground, and now, dealing with the boys. That didn’t mean I was ready to jump in the sack with Widow—but I was definitely intrigued by the thought. So much so, I got on my computer and started looking for a new bra and panty set, but it didn’t take me long to chicken out and close my laptop. In my mind, that was a sign that I needed to put Widow and my sister’s suggestion out of my head.

Tags: L. Wilder Ruthless Sinners MC Erotic