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“Doesn’t matter. One look at what you did here at Palm South, and they’ll hire you on the spot. With a signing bonus.”

Adam laughs as I cuddle up against him again. “A signing bonus, huh? Like a baseball player?”

“Yep. Millions of dollars, just like that.” I snap to illustrate.

He laughs again. “You know, my aunt is obsessed with you.”

“Is she now?”

“Yep. Which makes two of us.” He pins me into the sheets then, kissing all over my neck while I laugh and wriggle beneath him. Just that simple movement fires me up, and Adam pauses where he hovers over me with a wicked smile.

“This semester feels different, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” he agrees, sweeping my hair from my face.

“You and me, we’ve been through so much…”

Adam nods, resting on his elbows so that we’re chest to chest, stomach to stomach, lined up in every possible way.

“I kind of feel like nothing can stop us now.”

At that, Adam smirks, pressing a long kiss against my mouth before he whispers, “It’s only up from here, baby.”

And then, he peels my shirt up and kisses his way down to show me just how unstoppable we are.

THERE’S NO BETTER VIEW than a redhead sucking your cock.

I don’t care what the travel buffs say about mountains and valleys, beaches and lakes, bustling cities or tiny map dot towns. They can say whatever they want about that kind of scenery — I much prefer this one.

My dark hands, twisted in bright copper hair.

Plump lips around my thick length.

Manicured nails digging into my thighs.

A cotton-candy pink tongue, dragged from balls to tip.

I groan and let my head roll back only long enough to keep myself from coming too quickly before my eyes are on Kailey again. I met her earlier this week when Fraternity Rush started and she showed up with a tray full of freshly baked brownies. I loved her hair, her sweet and innocent smile, her long eyelashes.

I especially loved when she blew all that shit away, leaning in to whisper in my ear that she couldn’t wait to see what my bedroom looked like.

And now, here we are, and with a hot, wet mouth driving me to the edge of my release, I finally feel like myself again.

“Fuck, I’m going to—”

I don’t even get the words out before Kailey takes me all the way down her throat — or at least, as deep as she can go — and I don’t miss the gag when I find my release. But, like a champion, she holds me there, and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve seen in a long fucking time.

“Damn, girl,” I say when she looks up at me with a wicked smile, swallowing and wiping the corners of her mouth. “That was hot as fuck.”

“Glad you enjoyed yourself,” she says. Then, she stands and pulls her sweater dress down from where I’d hiked it up over her hips. She checks her makeup in my mirror, running her fingers through the hair I mussed.

“Your turn?” I ask, sliding up behind her. My cock is already soft, but I know plenty of ways to get her off.

“You can get me next time,” she says, turning to tap my nose with her pointer finger.

She’s already out of my arms and heading for the door when I say, “Oh, so it’s like that, huh? You’re going to just suck me off and then waltz right out of here?”

Kailey laughs, pointing a thumb over her shoulder. “Can’t you hear? There’s a party going on out there. Don’t worry,” she says with a wink as she opens my door. “I’ll come to collect soon enough.”

I laugh when she blows me a kiss before shutting the door behind her, and when I’m alone, I can’t help but appreciate that kind of confidence and ownership of a woman’s sexuality.

I think I’m even more turned on now.

With a sigh, I yank on my sweatpants and flop back on my bed, resting my hands behind my head as I look up at the ceiling.

The holiday break was… tough, to say the least. After Becca broke up with me, and Erin refused to talk to me and let me apologize for the whole Friendsgiving mishap, all I could do was go home to Pittsburgh and lick my wounds.

Fortunately, it turned out to be just what I needed.

Being with my brothers and my mom brought me back to myself, and for the first time since I can remember, we’re a unit.

Carleton is getting clean, has a full-time job, and even his wife is working at the grocery store down the street from them. My nephews are in school and happy. Clayton is ecstatic after a killer football season and growing more and more into a lady killer every day.

And mom is… around. For once.

It’s as uncomfortable as it is exciting, having my mom present, getting to know her again after all that has transpired between us. I have Becca to thank for getting me to pull my head out of my ass and realize that giving my mom a chance to right her wrongs was the least I could do.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance