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“No arguments here,” I chime in. Then, my chest tightens, because Mom walks into the frame behind him.

“Hey, sweetie! Oh, you two look like you’re having fun.” She smiles, drying her hands on a towel before tossing it over her shoulder and hanging her hands on her hips. She’s smiling bigger than she has in years, and she still looks healthy.


Which is a good sign.

Even though we made up over break and really worked on us as a family, I can’t help that suspicious part of me that sparks to life any time I see her or hear from her. Part of me wants to believe that she’s sobered up, that she’s here to stay.

The other part of me is waiting for the day Clayton wakes up to an empty apartment and nowhere to go.

“How are you, Mom?”

“Good! Work is going well. And I’m getting to spend lots of quality time with this guy,” she adds, smiling down at Clayton as she squeezes his shoulders. “When he’s not out causing trouble with the girls, that is.”

“Just wait until I turn sixteen and get a car,” Clayton says, putting his hands together in prayer. “These girls ain’t ready for Clayton Pennington on wheels.”

“You better get yourself a job if you want a car, little bro.”

“Details,” he says, waving me off. “Hey, guess what?”


“Mom and I are coming to see you for Family Weekend!”

The light on my little brother’s face could have illuminated a dark gymnasium, but I can’t help the way my stomach sinks at his news.

Skyler gently elbows me out of camera view to snap me back to the moment.

“That’s… wow. Really?”

“If it’s okay with you,” Mom says sheepishly. “I know we didn’t really talk about it first. But I booked us flights and a hotel, made sure they were refundable, too.” Her smile is sad. “Just in case.”

“No, no,” I say quickly. “Don’t cancel them. I’m happy you’re coming.”

“Really?” she asks.

I smile and nod, and Clayton throws his fist into the air.

“Yes! I can’t wait to scope those college hunnies.”

“Um, you’re still a minor, Little Bear,” Skyler reminds me. “Look, but don’t touch. Especially if it’s one of my sisters. I don’t need anyone getting arrested.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he says. “I’m still waiting on Kip to mess up, anyway.”

We all laugh at that.

After a few more minutes of chatting and going over trip details, we end the call, and then Skyler and I are back to planning.

“It’ll be fun,” Skyler says when I’m silent for a long while. “And if your mom pulls any shit, I’ll be here.”

“I know,” I say, taking a deep breath. “It will be fine. She seems… better. I’m just…”

“Still wary?”

I nod guiltily.

“I think that’s normal. She’s put you through a lot, Clinton. You don’t erase pain and betrayal like that overnight. But hey, at least this way, she’ll get to see more of the place that’s been your home the last four years. And meet your other family.”

“Yeah,” I agree. With a shake of my head, I start scrolling through Spring Break destinations again. “How’s Kip’s show going?”

“Ugh,” Skyler says, reclining again. She tosses her phone aside, seemingly done with scrolling for inspiration, at least for the moment. “It’s going great. He’s amazing, as usual, and the whole crew seems inspired by him. They finally started filming after getting all their ducks in a row.”

“Why do you sound so angry about it?”

She forces a breath. “Well, I’m ninety percent sure the girl he casted to play me has the hots for him.”

I chuckle. “Come on, Sky. You’re not actually threatened by some wannabe you, are you? Kip couldn’t look at another girl as anything more than a friend if he tried. He’s obsessed with you and has been since the first night he laid eyes on you. Or, should I say, the first night he laid a line of tequila, salt, a lime, and his tongue on you.”

She flicks me off, but it’s with a grin. “I know I’m being ridiculous, but you haven’t seen her around him. I liked her the first time we met. Hell, I’m practically the reason she got the part. And as soon as she did…” She makes a little notion with her hand that looks like a snake, and the noise came next. “She came right up and bit me in the ass.”

“Has she made a move on him?”

“Oh, no — girls aren’t that conspicuous.” She shakes her head as if I should have known. “But I know the games we play, and I know another player when I see one. I’m not too threatened, but I’m on guard.”

“I’m sure she just wants to impress him and make a good show, Sky.”

“And I’m sure that if she so much as touches my man, I’ll rip her hair out.” She smiles widely. Then, she wipes away a streak of sweat from her neck. “Ugh. It’s freaking February and already it’s too hot to be outside without a pool nearby.”

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance