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“Oh I remember things quite vividly.” Her eyes flashed to mine, and a hazy spark of recognition flickered and extinguished. I shook my head. I never saw her before; I was sure of it.

She was pretty the way her bangs fell right above her eyebrows. And this type of thought would have me out of business in a heartbeat. So, I would not be tempted.

I would keep her at arm’s length and not let myself be attracted to her. She was an employee and not a very good one.

“Ok, get back to work,” I said.

She shot me a look, and I grinned, leaning in close to her ear. “Please.” Big mistake, my cock pulsed. She brushed a hand across her cheek as she swiped away a strand of hair, and I wanted nothing more than to feel the softness of her skin. Her body trembled slightly and I stepped away.

“Yes sir,” she breathed.

“Also, next time you decide to open your mouth,” That pretty little mouth, “and trash talk me,” You’d blush at how filthy I talk, “or call me an asshole…” You’ll get an ass spanking. I faltered, unable to focus my thoughts as she stared at me curiously. What the fuck was happening? My dick throbbed. “Just remember, I’m your boss, and I’m not going anywhere. Decide if you can handle it.”

She took in a deep breath as her expression hardened. “I won’t quit,” she said after a moment of silence.

“Fine.” Grabbing a black server tray to hide my growing erection, I stalked away and left her there.

“Oh, and Theo,” she called after me.

God, would she stop talking already? The last thing I needed her to see was the massive hard on I sported in my trousers.

I stopped dead in my tracks and glanced over my shoulder. “Yeah?”

“If you’re interested, they have a ton of books on running a bar. It may come in handy.” Her underhanded comment, disguised as helpful, grated on every nerve in my body and my jaw tensed.

I shook my head. “Get back to work,” I retorted through clenched teeth.

She smiled wide. “Sure thing, boss.”

I stormed out of the bar area and into the tiny office off of the kitchen.

I couldn’t even talk to this girl for five minutes without my anger boiling over and my cock getting hard.

Who the hell did she think she was? Queen bartender? Give me a fucking break.


By evening, I made it home to my two-bedroom condo. The first week of owning a bar didn’t go how I envisioned. My general manager quit, and I had a bartender who’d been given a glowing recommendation for management, but required a major attitude adjustment, which only turned me on more. All week long Penny continually shot me a perplexed stare every time I voiced an opinion or idea. There were two customers in the bar this afternoon, how difficult was it to stop and say goodbye as they left? Not fucking hard to me.

My phone pinged with an incoming call and I glanced at the caller ID. Fuck, Blair. What did she want?

I debated on ignoring the call, but after the third ring, I answered.

“What?” I huffed into the phone.

“Hello, Mr. Moody. What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

“What do you want, Blair?” I rubbed a hand across my forehead. Her games were the last thing I wanted at the moment. Cracking open a beer and putting this mess of a day behind me were the only things appealing to me right now.

“You’re still coming this weekend to grab Lucy, correct?”

“Why would you think I wouldn’t be?” I asked, reaching in the fridge for a beer.

“I’m just checking.”

“Then I’ll be there. Haven’t missed a time yet.”

“Alright then,” she huffed. “See you soon.” She hung up without saying goodbye, and I didn’t blame her. My attitude was borderline pure asshole and instead of taking my frustration out on the person who caused it, Penny Marks, Blair felt the brunt force of it.

Tags: Logan Chance Boss Duet Erotic