Page 28 of Stolen By The Boss

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“What do you think of pink?” the saleslady, Patricia, asks.

“Pink? On me?” I look at her with a blank stare. I’m not the type of girl who wears pink.

She steps closer, a pink gown with gold sparkles dotting the hemline in her hands. “I think it will make you glow.”

I hold the dress up to me. “I’ll try it on.”

Typical man, Dean’s been outside, on the phone, the whole time as I try on dress after dress. I like the pink one with gold sparkles, but try on a few more dresses just to make sure. In the end, I go with the pink.

After Dean and Patricia complete the bill, I turn to Dean. “I got my nails done yesterday. Since the event is with the crème de la crème, I’ll need to get my hair and make-up done too.”

“Whatever you need.” We walk outside. “How about I give you my card and you can meet me back at my place? I’ll have Leo drive you around.”

My eyes widen. “Wow, you’re trusting me?”

He leans closer, the scent of pine and all man drifting up my nose. “If you run away from me, I’ll hunt you down and you won’t like what I’d do to you.”

“Oh? What’s that?” I inch closer.

“Bad things, Sophia. Just try me.”

I stare into his gray eyes, so he knows I’m serious. “I don’t plan on it. I’ll be a good little wifey.” And then, I brush my lips against his in the faintest of kisses.

Dean growls. “I have a tip on another of Bishop’s accomplices being there tonight.”

“Oh, really?”

“You may have to charm Humphrey on your own. Do you think you can handle that?”

“With the dress I’ve got in here,” I hold up the bag, “I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”

Dean rakes his teeth over his bottom lip. “I can’t wait to see it.”

He leaves me, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and putting it up to his ear.

Leo waits by the black Range Rover. “Where to?”

I smile, loving the idea of being pampered. “The finest salon in New York.”

Chapter 11


* * *

I had to walk away from Sophia out there on that street or else I just might have bent her over some bench or garbage can and had my wicked way with her. Seriously. No joke. I make a few calls, trying my best to calm an outraged Don Amato on the safety of his daughter, Bianca.

I’m not in Miami and cannot get a hold of anyone to find out anything.

My man, Stefan, hasn’t let me know whether or not he has Bianca. It should have been a simple job. Head down to Miami, lift Bianca from her penthouse apartment on South Beach and head to the location I picked out for him.

I check the weather situation where Stefan should have Bianca, and there are no storms or anything that would cause him not to call.

It has me worried. Something has gone wrong. I just know it.

I head back to my condo in the city, making sure I tell Don I have everyone out looking for his daughter. I call my team, telling them to find Stefan, and more importantly--find Bianca.

Once business is taken care of, I head into my room to get ready for tonight’s gala. Eddie Gallo should be at tonight’s event, and it’s my job to strike up a convo with him and find out where the fuck his friend, Bishop, is hiding.

If I’m successful, then we can stop the charade of pretending to be husband and wife.

The thought of ending the facade that Sophia’s my wife makes me pause. I like having Sophia on my arm. And I really like going to Humphrey’s parties with her.

Watching her eyes flare when she sees another couple kiss.

Feeling her body react when I touch her.

Having her moan my name.

I’m kind of thinking she likes it too.

Damn, the way she rode me last night. I groan just thinking about it.

I hop in the shower, letting the hot water relax my muscles as it pounds over me. My dick comes alive with thoughts of Sophia. God, last night was just too hot to handle. I don’t know how I’m going to survive playing this ruse with her.

I fist my growing cock in my hand, slowly pumping my hand up and down the shaft. I’m turned on, and images of Sophia flash through my mind at warp speeds.

Her on her knees.

Her touching me.

Her sweet mouth taking in all of me.

I groan out, stroking my dick faster now. I bite my bottom lip, bracing a hand against the cool tile wall of the shower. My dick grows even harder as I think about Sophia sucking me off. Her pouty pink lips. The way her eyes gaze into mine like she wants all of me.

Does she want me as bad as I want her?

Tags: Logan Chance Romance