Page 53 of Strong and Steady

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“What do you want? I have no intention of having my fighter blow the fight or a fight three years down the road when it suits your needs. I don’t need a partner in my business.” I tried to keep my voice even. My father was an enemy… I understood. Quake was in a completely different league.

He shook his head, kept his hand on my shoulder. “The Wyoming No Holds Barred is keeping an eye on him. Whether he remains dead or alive is his choice.”

So he pissed someone off. Not a surprise. I had no idea what he’d done to have an MC mad, and I didn’t want to know.

“You’re confused,” he continued. “Emory is in love with you…therefore I reminded your father of a few things. If Emory’s happy, I’m happy.”

An MC president playing matchmaker?

“She’s… she’s not in love with me.” I could hear the surprise, the uncertainty in my voice. “We met last week.”

While I said the words, I knew them to be empty. Time didn’t seem to make a difference when it came to me and Emory. It was as if I’d known her forever, yet everything was brand new.

The older man laughed, slapped me on the back and pushed me around the corner, so I could see Emory sitting at the booth chatting with Christy and Paul. She hadn’t seen me yet.

“Keep her happy,” he said, as we both watched her. His voice was like gravel and laced with dark promise. “Or you’ll be dealing with a bunch of unhappy bikers. Wouldn’t want that, right?”

I nodded. It was all I could do because the sight of her was like the worst sucker punch I’d ever taken. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move—not because I was afraid of Quake’s threats.

Emory was the only one who could destroy me. I couldn’t do anything but wonder why she was the least bit interested in me. When she glanced up and saw me, she tilted her head and gave me the most perfect smile. Her eyes brightened with what I hoped was pleasure and excitement, and it was all for me.

I was thankful for the second not-so-small nudge the older man gave to my shoulder, prodding me to move toward the table. She stood and met me halfway, taking my hand as she leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Hi,” she whispered. “I missed you.”

Those words, fuck, they were the best thing I’d ever heard. This woman had missed me. I wanted to think it was love that made her eyes bright, made her smile so broad. I couldn’t help the stupid grin that spread across my face, but I had to put my hands on her shoulders and get a look at her. She wore a sundress, a bright blue that was soft and flowing and hit just above the knee. On her feet were a pair of sexy high heels, and she wore makeup. Gone was the girl next door I woke up to, and in her place was, shit, a siren. She'd pulled me in all right, and I never wanted to leave. I closed my mouth and hoped to hell I wasn’t drooling.

“You look… incredible,” I whispered when I kissed her forehead.

She grinned at me, clearly pleased with the compliment. “Sit. Quake’s brought us wine.”

Wine? Quake? I was all out of surprises for one night.

I held out Emory’s chair for her then shook Paul’s hand, said hello to Christy. Took my hat off and hooked it on my chair. “I see you took care of my girl.”

Glancing at Emory, I saw her blush. I loved that I could do that to her.

“If that means being dragged to the mall for dress shopping, then yes, I took care of your girl,” Paul replied.

“Are you okay with wine or do you want water? Iced tea?” Emory remembered I’d said I didn’t drink anymore.


She put the bottle down then pushed her water glass toward me. “I only had the clothes I put in my bag last night. I couldn’t go out on a double date wearing shorts and a T-shirt.”

She could’ve, and I wouldn’t have minded. While she looked stunning, I liked her best when she was naked. Or in just my T-shirt knowing all that soft skin was beneath. I knew enough about women to know now was not the time to tell her that. I would later when she was naked.

“I’m a lawyer,” Paul said. “I know I have a painful, boring job, but I’d rather go through a two-day deposition than to go through that experience again. Have you ever been in the lingerie department before?”

I didn’t know if I should commis

erate with Paul over that scary task or get turned on by the idea of Emory picking out something super sexy. I turned and eyed her, wishing I had x-ray vision and could see what she had on beneath the dress, but she smiled sweetly at me, giving nothing away.

I reached for the water and took a big gulp. As Christy and Paul commented about something on the menu, Emory leaned in, her voice low enough so only I could hear. “It’s pink.”

I turned my head, so our mouths were inches apart. “Pink?”

“And lacy.”

My mouth fell open when I realized what she was talking about. She grinned wickedly and picked up her own menu. Turnabout was fair play, so I put my hands in my lap, then moved my right hand until it rested on her thigh, my thumb slowly inching the hem of her dress upward.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Romance