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And that had my thoughts veering to spreading the lotion all over her body for her. Not missing one bare inch of her. I cleared my throat. “Military.”

“Oh, well. Thank you for your service.”

I offered her a slight nod, not used to being thanked for what I’d done. It had been a job, one I’d done well before I got out, started my own security firm. My background wasn’t all that exciting, so I changed the subject. “Riley Townsend is here, too, parking the truck.” I angled my head toward the sliding doors I’d come through. “I’m sorry we were late to meet you.”

She smiled and I stifled a groan. Her lips were full, a shiny gloss on them. Something red. Or plum. Some color with a girly name. She was so fucking feminine, a stark contrast to me. Delicate. Breakable. At six-four, two-hundred fifty pounds, I was a Neanderthal in comparison. No. A caveman. The basest form of a guy who found a woman and wanted to toss her over his shoulder and carry her back to his cave. To keep her. Claim her. Mark her.

“It’s no problem. My flight arrived early.”

I cleared my throat again, thinking just how I wanted to mark her, my cum dribbling from those lush lips or perhaps coating her belly and breasts. Dripping from her pussy and down her thighs. Or marking the rosette of her virgin ass. Oh yeah, that little hole still had its cherry. Just looking at her, I was sure of it. No way had anyone claimed that gift yet.

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I had no words. No brain function. We stood there, staring. I couldn’t look away. Couldn’t believe she was real. All peaches and cream skin and citrus scent. She was here. She was going to be mine. Ours. I just didn’t need to blow it.

Fuck. This time, I kept the word within. I kept thinking mine, mine, mine, like a chant. A broken record. I curled my fingers into a fist to keep from reaching out, stroking over her silky hair, sliding my fingers down the long line of her neck, over her delicate collarbone that peeked out from beneath the strap of her dress.

Other passengers moved around us. A tired toddler cried from a stroller that was pushed past. The canned security message blared from the hidden speakers. No one felt the electricity that passed between us. The way the air crackled with need. Want. Instant attraction.

She wasn’t immune. Surprised, definitely. If the way her nipples were pressing like two pencil erasers against the thin fabric of her dress was any indication, she liked what she saw, perhaps just a whole lot more of it than expected. I just had to wonder if her pussy was eager for me.

“There you are.”

Riley’s voice broke the spell and Kady turned to look at my approaching friend. At her approaching husband. Yes, we were going to be her husbands. Not just Riley. Both of us. Weird, yes, but I didn’t give a shit. We were claiming her. Not that we were going to mention that at this moment, but if we were going to take her to bed, do all the things I’d thought about—and then some—she’d ultimately have our ring. We wouldn’t disrespect her like that.

Kady watched Riley as he approached. The warm smile on his face was his usual, but as his best friend, I knew the spring in his step was because he was just as eager to meet her as I’d been. But since he’d driven and had to park, I’d gotten lucky and found her first.

“Kady. So glad to finally meet you after all the emails and phone calls. Riley Townsend.”

Riley reached out and took her hand, shook it, then didn’t let it go.

Courteous, she smiled automatically, but I watched her eyes flare when she took him in. Yeah, she was interested. Thank fuck. If Riley and I wanted a relationship that fit the mainstream, I’d be jealous of the way Kady was taking in every inch of him. His blond hair, his blue eyes, quick smile. He was almost as tall as me, but built like a runner, not a linebacker. She wasn’t scared of him.

No, she didn’t even realize he still held her hand.

“You two certainly ate your vegetables as kids,” she commented, humor tingeing her words and curving the corners of her lips. Her eyes sparkled.

“Yes, ma’am,” Riley replied, giving her his wicked grin that made women drop their panties.

“Have the others arrived?” she asked, looking around.

She wasn’t immune to Riley’s good looks, but she was too much of a lady to toss her panties his way. At least here in the airport.

“Your sisters?” I asked, wanting her to look up at me. She did and I swore I could see flecks of gold in her pupils along with the emerald green.

“Half-sisters,” Riley clarified, although I was well aware of the difference. “While we’ve found five of you, five daughters of Aiden Steele who’ve inherited equal shares of his ranch and estate, we’ve only been able to connect with three.”

“That’s my job. To make contact with the other two like I did with you,” I elaborated.

“And as the estate lawyer, I’m the paperwork guy.” Riley patted his chest. “The one who overnighted you the documents for your signature.”

“I still can’t believe this is happening. That I’m here.”

Her fingers fiddled with the shoulder strap on her bag. She was nervous, although she hid it well. Not because of us, but she’d just found out she had a father she’d never known who’d died and left her a large inheritance and had four half-siblings. I’d be a little freaked out, too.

“I was lucky to have summer break from school and was able to come.”

“Lucky for us,” Riley commented, raking his gaze over every inch of her. She flushed again and I watched as the color crept down her neck and beneath the neckline of her dress. How far did it go?

It was then she remembered her hand and pulled it from Riley’s hold.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic