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“Telegraph office first, then home,” Jonah practically growled. “James will not wish to be left out.”

We turned the corner and headed north, I assumed in the right direction. I’d only been to Travis Point once and that… oh dear Lord, had been short-lived and scandalous. I glanced around, hoping the minister wasn’t about for I didn’t think I’d ever be able to meet his eyes. Across the street was a stage unloading, and I noticed the passengers disembarking, but paid them no mind.

Then I looked again. My feet stopped, Jonah yanking my arm as he took another step.

“Ginny!” I shouted, my heart beating frantically. “Georgia! Jonah, my sisters are here.” I reached out and smacked his belly to get his attention, but my shouting had surely done that.

I tried to run toward them, but Jonah hooked an arm about my waist and pulled me back so I wasn’t taken out by a man on a horse. “Easy, Kitten.”

I didn’t have the patience to wait. Once the thoroughfare was clear, Jonah escorted me over to them.

“Tennie, I can’t believe you’re here!” Ginny cried.

When only a few feet separated us, Jonah dropped his hold, and I ran at them, hugging them both at the same time. “Me? What are you doing here?”

I laughed, cried and hugged, stunned by their presence.

I was the middle child, Ginny two years older than me, Georgia two years younger. We all looked quite similar with pale hair and petite frames, often being thought as triplets.

“We came to be with you,” Ginny began.

“But you weren’t in Butte,” Georgia finished excitedly.

“The finishing school told us someone recently came for your trunk and shared his destination. We are on the way there,” Ginny finished.

I hadn’t seen them in two years. While Ginny hadn’t changed all that much, Georgia looked older, a woman grown now.

I couldn’t stop smiling, so thrilled to have them before me. My emotions were so overwhelmed. I never, ever expected to see them here. And I’d been so worried, so scared for them with Mr. Grimsby’s henchman somewhere in North Dakota.

“You came to be with me? I… I don’t understand.”

Ginny looked over her shoulder, then reached out her arm, a man smiling at her and taking her hand, stepping right beside her. He was much taller than she, with dark hair and a suit that fit him well, but was travel weary. He was handsome and only had eyes for Ginny. “This is Tom, my husband.”

Tom tipped his head to me and smiled. “I have heard so much about you and am glad to be able to put a face to all the stories.” He appeared kind and the way he set a hand on Ginny’s shoulder showed of their affection.

“I am not the only one with stories,” I told him. “Your wife has quite a few of her own.”

Ginny rolled her eyes.

“I… this is wonderful,” I sputtered. “When… I mean—”

She laughed and I couldn’t help but join her. “A month ago, after father left.”

Our smiles slipped at his mention.

“We knew his intentions, Tennie, but could do nothing about it. Until Tom.” Ginny looked over her shoulder at her husband and smiled.

“Once we wed, I was able to escort them here,” Tom said. “I refused to allow them to travel alone.”

I couldn’t miss a rumble of either amusement or agreement from Jonah, who stood behind me.

“We were worried about you, about Father’s overbearing nature,” Georgia said. Even now, she looked a little fearful just admitting that. “His gambling.”

“He’s dead,” I blurted.

I bit my lip, studied my sisters, whose eyes widened as they stared at me. I hadn’t meant to be so forthright about it.

After their initial surprise, they looked solemn, not upset.

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