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I looked between the three of them. I didn’t see censure there. I nodded.

Ann smiled. “What fun. I like to do that, too. As for calling Jonah sir, I have to admit, that’s arousing. He’s older and gives you something you need. That he needs in return.”

Did Jonah like when I called him sir?

“Olivia’s the worst about it. She’s got those three men wrapped around her finger,” Laurel told me. “She gives them sass. It’s her way of telling her men she needs their attention.”

Was it that? Did I seek my husbands’ attention? God, I did. I craved it. I liked knowing they were focused solely on me. While they took care of my needs, theirs were satisfied as well. “You’re saying they like when I do that?”

“You tell us,” Emma said.

I thought of Jonah pulling me off of James’ lap on the way here. I’d teased, he’d responded. Taken over. Given me exactly what I needed.

“The men are back,” Laurel said, at the same time I heard deep voices and heavy footfall. “We should say goodbye now, for I’m sure you will be leaving quite soon.”

“Oh yes, they haven’t touched you in two whole hours,” Emma teased.

“It won’t be two hours before they get at you again, especially if they have a few of the plugs Rhys makes.”

They were all accurate. We stayed two minutes, long enough to be slightly polite, but no one seemed to mind our hasty retreat. As for the plugs, there were two of them. James had given them to me to hold as we rode back to the house, all the while telling me what they were going to do with them. By the time we entered the kitchen door, I was desperate for my men and happily bent over the kitchen table for their ardent attentions.


“You’re sure you don’t want to come along?” Tennessee asked.

We were on the front porch waiting for Jonah to saddle the horses. Her trunk had arrived yesterday while we’d been at Bridgewater, so today she wore a different dress, a soft shade of pink that accentuated how petite… and female she was. It only made her skin even more pale and milky white. Her hair was in one long plait down her back beneath a wide-brimmed straw hat. She looked as pretty as a picture, but I knew what she looked like beneath. How she behaved when she wasn’t off to meet her new stepson. That she wore no drawers. That she’d had one of the plugs nice and snug in her ass until just an hour ago.

“The summer cold that befell me last week has made some ranch hands sick. I need to help herd. Besides, I think Jonah should talk to Abel on his own about all this. He’ll be quite surprised, I’m sure.”

While Abel was a man fully grown, discovering your father had a Bridgewater marriage with a woman your own age would be quite a shock. No one ever really wanted to contemplate their parents fucking, but one look at Tennessee and Abel would be sure she’d been well-pleasured. She had that look about her. Her cheeks had pretty color, she was calmer and so much more relaxed than the other day. She was thoroughly fucked and it suited her. Definitely tamed her.

“What? Marrying suddenly? I wouldn’t understand.”

I narrowed my eyes, then grinned as I cupped her ass, squeezed. Perhaps not all that tamed. “You are full of sarcasm and quite sassy.”

Jonah approached, leading two horses and watched as she looked her fill. I wasn’t attracted to him, but Tennessee was. A wet and eager pussy was important in a marriage. He met her gaze, smiled.

I was envious of their connection. I didn’t feel any difference in the attention she gave us, but they were married. Husband and wife. I was the third.

The day before at Bridgewater, Ian admitted to me it had taken some adjusting to being the second husband. While he claimed Emma the same as Kane, it was Kane’s name she took. It was Kane everyone in the area knew she wed. Ian was proud of their marriage and wanted to flaunt it, to show off the bride who’d taken his heart. But he could only do so with like-minded people, and that was a small group. When traveling, which they seemed to do often, she had to share a room with Kane, not both of them. And their daughter, while no one knew whose seed had taken root, Kane was able to take public pride in her as well.

The slights were there, and Ian had said Emma more than made up for any dissatisfaction he might feel with her ardent attentions, but they existed.

They existed. Would I always feel like I was less of a husband or was this something that came with being a newlywed? Would this need to tug her inside and make her mine, keep her just for myself, fade?

Would they ride off and never return? They could.

I’d longed for Tennessee for two years and had been eager to make her mine in all that time. The doctor’s diagnosis of my health had changed my perspective on how I’d claimed her. Until I became sick with the stupid summer cold, I had been ignorant as to any problems with my heart. The possibility of dropping dead at any time had altered my thinking. I wanted Tennessee all the more. I wanted to live life to the fullest, no matter how much time I had. I’d only included Jonah in the arrangement for Tennessee, to ensure she would remain loved and protected even if something happened to me. I didn’t want her to become a widow, which would only make her vulnerable to any vulture who laid eyes upon her beauty and knew of her fortune. The Carr Ranch was a large swath of the Montana Territory and she’d inherit it all.

“You like me sassy,” she countered with a little smile. Her hand settled on my chest, and I felt her breasts press into me. My cock stirred.

“I do.” I leaned down and kissed her. I couldn’t help it. I could barely keep my hands off of her. While we’d vowed to give her pussy a respite the day before, returning with butt plugs changed our perspective. Any bit of contrary nature was subdued, and in its place was a begging, writhing, pleading wife who assured us she wasn’t the least bit sore. No husband was strong enough to refrain from fucking after seeing her naked and bent over the kitchen table, the small handle for the plug parting her lush ass cheeks.

Feeling how tight her pussy had been around my cock with the plug filling her ass… especially when she came and milked me as her pussy was begging for my cum, I’d climaxed powerfully. Jonah had not wanted to be left out and he’d gone around the table and fed her his cock at the same time. One of us had been in her mouth, the other in her pussy, the first time we’d taken her together.

The way she’d opened for the plug, we’d take her together in other ways soon enough. Perhaps tonight, and she’d enjoy every minute of it, just like she did everything else. Every sassy inch of her.

The smile fell from her lips. “I want to talk to you about something.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic