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I reached up and hooked my hand behind Dash's neck and pulled him down for a kiss.



Rebecca was kissing me. She was kissing me. Her mouth was hot and eager and I felt every bit of the pent up need she'd been holding back. When her tongue ran over my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and pulled her into my arms, for I didna want to give up this surprisingly new Rebecca. She tasted sweet and fresh and alluring, but for what she lacked in skill she made up for it in earnestness. Her breasts pressed against my chest and I hardened instantly.

We'd pushed our horses to return to the ranch at the sounds of the shots. We were about a mile away but they could be heard easily enough. Only two shots had been fired, but we didna wait for more. Two was enough to make us anxious, even with Quinn remaining nearby. He'd gone to Kane and Ian's house, thinking the shots had come from there, while Mason and Brody had gone directly home.

"Have a kiss like that for me?" Connor asked, his voice a dark growl. Clearly he was surprised—and pleased—by our wife's boldness.

Rebecca lifted her head, turned toward Connor and nodded. She flicked her gaze to mine, then released me entirely only to jump up and wrap her arms around Connor's neck. He grabbed her about the waist with a chuckle, eyes wide in surprise, but they slid closed as she kissed him.

She was being the aggressor, the one to seek pleasure from us. I liked it. I liked it verra much. In fact, if there were nae three other men in the room along with us, I'd have tossed her over the kitchen table and fucked her then and there.

"Is she all right?" Kane asked, eyebrow raised in surprise at Rebecca's very public display of eagerness.

The sound of a newborn’s cry came through the ceiling and we both looked up as if we could see through it. I couldna help but grin, for the idea of a new baby—a new life at Bridgewater—was thrilling. I longed for the day when it would be our baby, a baby with Rebecca's dark hair and fair skin.

"I'd be a hysterical mess if I’d helped birth a baby on my own," Kane told me. He'd been through the experience once with Emma and she'd had Ann to help her. "I will never forget when Ellie was born. Holy bloody hell, it was awful." He ran a hand over his face. "I remember Emma's every groan, every scream. I even vowed I'd never fuck her again if it would stop the agony she experienced."

I somehow doubted he'd kept that vow in the eight months since the birth.

"But as soon as little Ellie came into the world, Emma forgot the pain, forgot the months of feeling like a lumbering cow—her words, not mine—and now she wants another one. I don't know if I'll be able to go through that again, but I'll give that woman whatever she wants."

I couldna help but grin. This man—this smart, strong man—was reduced to a blundering idiot where his wife and child were concerned. "I guess ye will have to start fucking her again for that to happen."

Kane grinned. "Start? Hell, we barely stop." He glanced at Rebecca and Connor. He lowered her back to her feet and kissed her forehead. "Looks like you won't either."

"What happened to the porch railing?" Ian asked, joining us.

Rebecca leaned her head against Connor's chest for a moment, and then turned her face. Her cheeks were red and she looked perfect. Her hair was mussed, her dress wrinkled. "I shot it."

I laughed. "Sweetheart, we have to give ye lessons on how to use a rifle, don't we?"

"Absolutely," she agreed.

"Later. Yer job here is done." Connor said, lifting Rebecca up and tossing her over his shoulder with a squeal from her. "Now, we are taking ye home and ye can finish having yer way with us."

"No, Connor, now. I need it now," she pleaded.

Connor froze in his tracks and looked to me, cocked his head and grinned. "Whatever our wife wants."


p; If our wife needed to be fucked at that moment, I wasna going to deny her. I spun on my heel and went down the hall to Mason and Brody's office. Connor followed, kicking the door shut behind him before lowering Rebecca to her feet.

"Ye need to be fucked, sweetheart?" I asked.

She was panting now, her breath coming out from between parted, kiss-swollen lips. Her color was high and her eyes were blurry, almost dazed. She nodded.

"Say it, lass," Connor told her.

She cleared her throat, tipped up that chin in a usual show of defiance. This time, though, it was boldness. "Fuck me."

"Bloody hell," I murmured as I approached, walking her backward until she bumped into the wall. I felt predatory, almost feral in my need for her in this moment. Her eyes met mine and I knew she wanted this, wanted me—us. "This is going to be a quick fuck, sweetheart."

She nodded her understanding and licked her lips.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic