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"What's normal?" she countered. "I questioned everything Mason and Brody did. Everything. Now I like it when they drag me into Emma's pantry and take me one after the other." She paused. "Do you think I'm immodest?"

"Not in your dress," I admitted. I did not know her well enough for a broader answer.

"I don't think you're immodest either, especially in your dress, but in your demeanor as well. I'm sure Connor and Dash have done things to you that would make your headmistress blush."

I had to laugh at that. "Oh yes," I breathed. I felt the heavy bulk of the plug Connor had put in my pocket and I discreetly reached in and put the smooth object in my palm. Just holding it made my core heat and soften. My back entrance clenched. Mrs. Dithers would have been struck dead by my thoughts alone. Plugs and being claimed there was certainly not part of her curriculum. "Scandalized."

"Scandalized," Olivia repeated. "And yet, your men want that with you. With you."

Yes, there was a distinction between doing scandalous things with me instead of to me. I tilted my chin up, this time with resolution. "I don't want to be fastidious and reserved all the time with them. What should I do?"

She waved her hand in the air. "That's simple. Kiss them."

My eyebrows went up. "Kiss them? That's it?"

She nodded. "Trust me. You've never had a friend to share confidences, have you?"

I bit my lip and thought back to school. "I had friends, of course, but there was really nothing to share, for we were all suffering the same fate." I folded my napkin neatly, then realized what I'd done, then tossed it across the table. "I didn't realize how miserable I was until after I left."

Olivia frowned, and then offered me a reassuring smile. "You have friends now, four of us in fact."

She folded her hands, tilted her head to the side ever so slightly and lifted her chin and I realized she was

"I don't look like that, do I?" I pointed at her.

"Besides the huge belly? Absolutely."

I sighed. "Oh dear. I can only imagine what Dash and Connor think of me. Surely they don't want a woman who's so tense all the time."

Olivia shook her head. "Nonsense. I promise you, I was pretty uptight and tense when I came here as well." She smiled slyly. "I'm sure Dash and Connor have made it their main task in life to make you less tense."

I flushed at her words, for every time that they made me come, I was not the least bit tense. "Yes, I believe you're right. Dash had no choice about marrying me. My brother took me from one arranged marriage to another."

"Which bothers you—the fact that Dash was forced to marry you or that you were forced to marry him?"

"You heard Allison yesterday. She has her sights set on Dash," I said, my voice a little dejected. "Even though he's said otherwise, I wonder if there might be another woman to strike his fancy and then wish he hadn't been shackled to me."

"I'm sure he'd enjoy being shackled to you," she replied shamelessly. She frowned briefly, and then ran a hand over her belly. "Don't worry about Allison. Quinn will redirect her right into his arms."

I looked down at the crumbs on the table and realized I'd eaten my entire muffin. "A man wants to be tied to a woman, like with rope?" I thought about how they'd bound my hands behind my back, restraining me. I'd been helpless against whatever Dash had wanted to do to me. Connor had spanked me once, but it had been Dash who'd pushed me all the way to my pleasure.

Olivia nodded dreamily, then frowned again, this time shifting in her seat.

"Are you all right?"

"My back hurts, but it's nothing. It's been this way since last night. We can talk about this all day long, over and over again, so I'll ask, do you like being in their arms?"

I nodded.

"Do you like how they touch you?"

I nodded again.

"Do they give you pleasure even—and especially—when you question them?"

"I do enjoy it."

"Then don't wait for them. Seduce them."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic