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I grabbed the dishtowel from the sink and held it directly below my cock. With one last stroke, I came, my hips shooting forward as my seed spurted forth and onto the cloth.

"See that? There's so much seed, lass, so much for ye."

I took a deep breath as the last few drops of seed pulsed from me, folded the towel and wiped the head of my cock clean. Glancing over at Rebecca who was now nestled on Connor's lap but enthralled by my little show, I grinned. I was well sated and I couldna help it.

"Are ye planning on sharing what I just did with anyone?" I asked, eyebrow arched.

She furrowed her brow and Connor smoothed it out with a finger. "No, of course not. It's private."

I held up a finger and grinned. "That's right, sweetheart? What we do, ‘tis private."

She was confused at first, and then she understood.

"I wouldna tell a soul about what ye look like when ye come or how ye taste. That honor belongs to me."

"And me, " Connor added.



I awoke before Rebecca, whose head rested on my shoulder, her body tucked into the side of mine. The scent from her hair, vanilla perhaps, teased me awake. The wind had picked up during the night and with the dawn I could see thick dark clouds as I listened to the wind blowing. The bedroom was cold, for we had yet to light fires to warm the house. During the night, Rebecca had turned to me seeking warmth, and I enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressed against me, her one leg thrown over mine, the heat from her pussy on my thigh.

It was all I could do not to relieve the ache in my cock by sliding into her. But Dash slept behind her, his front to her back and we'd pushed her yesterday, nae only taking her virginity, but forcing her to change some hard learned misconceptions. She'd questioned everything we'd done with her, nae becaus

e she was contrary, but because she didna know they were even possible or allowed.

She'd told us about her time in boarding school and I wanted to find the headmistress who’d condoned the beatings she’d received—that children received—get ahold of the bloody ruler or switch she'd used and beat her with it. I wanted to put her in her place for laying a hand upon my bride, even at a time in her life when I didna know her, but also for putting ridiculous notions into her head regarding a wife's place.

It wasna quiet and subservient at all times. It wasna beneath me still and unmoving as I fucked her.

Our reason for nae returning to Scotland after our time in Mohamir was based on the cruel actions of our commanding officer, Evers. It had nae been a choice, but I didna miss the staid and almost prudish notions that society held women to. Husbands could leave a woman unfulfilled, cold and alone as he ventured to a brothel to dabble in his baser needs. A wife had to be virtuous, frigid and faithful. A husband could be anything he wanted, including dishonorable, just like my own da had been. Wealthy and highborn in his own right, he'd married my mother for her own money, merging it into a vast fortune. The only merging my parents had besides money was the night I was conceived, for I remember the women my father paraded in front of me, my mother, the entire county, without a care.

She'd been raised to be as biddable as Rebecca, but it had been my father who had taught her she was frigid and solely a broodmare for his heir. Me.

What my father had done, what Rebecca had been taught was nae our way. The men of Bridgewater Ranch held themselves to a higher standard. We were faithful, possessive, and very loving. In return, wives did as bid with regards for their safety and also for their pleasure. We were nae modest, we were nae the least bit chaste. If a wife needed attention, we didna delay. While my cock had been hard since I fucked her last, Rebecca was surely sore and so my needs were second to her comfort.

She mightna be inclined to believe Dash or me about how a woman should behave, although we were her husbands and her pleasure was proof that our every forward demand was for her benefit, so I would enlist help from the others. The other ladies would know of her concerns and surely assuage some of the guilt she felt, alleviate some of the confusion. Carefully, I climbed from the bed to go to the barn, begin my chores and to ask the men for their wives' help. Knowing Dash would be with Rebecca when she awakened, I quickly dressed and headed downstairs to start the potbellied stove in the kitchen.


Connor was not in bed with us when I awoke. That did not seem strange, for it was the first night of my life sharing a bed and waking up beside a man. Dash had rolled me onto my back and kissed me silly, but nothing more. They'd put that...that plug in my bottom the night before and even though they only left it in me until after Connor had...had fucked me, I was sore there as well as my pussy. After one day with Dash and Connor, I was using their crude words in my thoughts!

Why Dash only kissed me and then helped me dress was unclear to me. They'd been so bold and forward with me the day before, so I was surprised he lacked the same...eagerness now. He was attentive enough as he helped me dress and I remained silent through it all, for I worried he might change his mind and force me to remain unclothed another day. With consideration, I could see that while I had been uncomfortable with my nakedness, they had kept me unclothed because it brought them pleasure, which in turn brought me pleasure.

When Connor had returned to the house, Dash and I were ready to leave for Kane and Ian's house

"Turn around, lass and put yer hands on the door."

My eyebrows went up at his question, but I did as he bid.

"I want a glimpse of my pussy before we go."

My body heated at the carnality of his words and I all but melted against the door. He lifted up the hem of my skirt, his hand skittering along the back of my leg and higher...higher still until he had it bunched over his wrist at my waist. Dash had not allowed me drawers as part of my outfit and I could feel the cool air on my heated flesh.

His hand dipped between my thighs and stroked very gently, very slowly over my pussy. I thrust my bottom up toward his hand before I had to think about how forward the action was. He groaned against my ear as he found me wet.

"See, lass," he'd said. "I knew ye'd like having yer pussy bare. I love how ye arch yer back and give it to me."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic