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Simon's fingers tightened on my arms as he glanced at Rhys and Cross, then focused on me. "Did he hurt ye anywhere else? Did he—?"

I shook my head fiercely. "No. I got away."

The relief was visible, then his gaze roamed over my face with the tender look I'd been thinking of when I was lost. His dark gaze searching mine, as if he could see all the way to my soul. "He said disparaging things about you, but...but I didn't believe him and then I wanted to be with you."

He cupped my face and kissed me, pent up emotion and longing forged in that kiss. He eventually releasing me so Cross could pull me into his hold. By now, I was breathing hard, as if Simon had taken my breath away.

"What did he say?" Cross asked as he kissed the top of my head. His scent mixed with sweat and horses had me closing my eyes briefly to savor it.

"He said all three of you worked for him and that you made an arrangement so that Simon would marry me and give him my inheritance and you'd get a portion of it, along with me as a bonus."

Cross stilled his hand that was stroking up and down my back. "What else did he say?" His voice seemed to have dropped an octave.

"That you and Rhys were wooing me at the dance while Simon finalized their arrangements in the saloon," I added.

Rhys turned me to him and took my hand. His hold was firm, yet gentle, especially when he lifted my hand to place it over his heart. I felt it beating steadily and it was reassuring.

"He must have said something about the three of us claiming you," Rhys added.

I nodded, remembering the crude words.

"Tell us," he prompted. I glanced over my shoulder at Cross and Simon and saw that Ian was with them as well, although he stood back about twenty paces beside his horse.

"That Simon would share me with both of you as part of the arrangement. Payment."

"Do you believe anything that bloody fool said?"

I shook my head vehemently. "No!" I cried, worried they'd assume the worst of my imaginings. "I discounted him right away, but he grabbed me, said that he'd...he'd have me since I fucked three men already."

The men's spines straightened and their fists clenched.

"I fought him and then kneed him...him in the cock. I got away and took the horse to find you. I needed to be with you." I stepped out of his hold and put one hand on Cross' chest, the other on Simon's as I looked directly at Rhys. "I'm right where I want to be, between the three of you."

They each took a step inward, closing the space between us.

"I love the way you bicker and argue with me," I told Rhys. "I also love the way you have such focus and precision when you touch me, as if every move you make is deliberate and you know just how to bring me pleasure."

I turned to Cross and looked into his green eyes. "I love the way you make me smile, the way you poke fun at my city ways." The corner of his mouth turned up. I felt Rhys' hand on my arm, stroking it, as if he couldn't keep his hands off. "I also like the way you claim me with such inventiveness, eager to show me new ways fuck."

I turned one more time to face Simon as I felt not only Rhys touching me, but now Cross as well. "I can't stay away from you...from any of you. Simon." I met the warrior's gaze. "There's that I feel with you, as if I can't get enough, as if I take you inside of me, not just your cock, but you. Is it that way for you?" I asked, a tinge of doubt in my voice. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Ach, lass, ye are mine."

"You are mine," Rhys added.

"You are mine," Cross agreed.

"I don't want just one of you. Combined, all of you are what I want and need." I looked at each of them in turn. While they were big and brawny and brave, they were also flesh and blood with feelings and their own hurts. While they protected and sheltered me, it was my job to be there for them, in any and every way the needed. "I want to be with you, all of you."

The men's hands stilled as Simon tilted my chin up with his finger. "Do ye ken what that means?"

It meant that I would take all three of them at the same time and one of them would fill my bottom. I clenched there at the thought, but they'd been preparing me for this, not only by stretching me to accept a cock, but to accustom me to the incredible feelings that could be found with something there, whether it be fingers, a plug or even a cock. They'd played with me so that I would want it, to need to feel that good.

"It means I belong to all of you. Not one at a time, but all of you at the same time, for that's how it is, in here." I placed a hand over my heart.



Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic