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We worked her until her voice was hoarse, her skin coated in sweat, her body mindlessly riding our fingers until she wilted in complete exhaustion.

With her on her stomach as she was, Ian retrieved the small plug we'd used on her earlier. Slick from his fingers, the plug was able to slip in easily. She didn't even stir. We admired how pretty her cunny was, especially knowing her arse was stretching in preparation for us taking her together. Pulling her beneath the covers, we let her sleep and I was more than pleased with the progress she was making. Thrilled we'd saved her from an uncertain fate. Touched that she belonged to us.


"Who's going with you?" I asked Ian from the kitchen doorway. He was brewing a pot of coffee. Emma was asleep in my bed, not stirring when either of us left the room. I'd slipped on my pants, but that was all. Ian was dressed, even had his gun belt slung low on his hips. It was late, close to midnight, and we had the house to ourselves. The only sound came from the ticking of the grandfather clock in the other room.

"Mason." Ian's hair was mussed and instead of going to sleep beside Emma, he'd be heading toward Bozeman to find out who had come for him.

"Evers won't come himself."

"Nay. A scouting party." He grabbed a mug. "He won't sully his hands with the dirty work."

I agreed. "The distance is too great, the time too long to be away. How can he justify a trip to America? The Duke of Everleigh going to America." I shook my head. "Wouldn't happen."

"We should be gone a week." He shrugged, took a sip of the hot brew, winced. The man made coffee as thick as mud in the springtime. "Evers' men can wait a day. They've waited five years. One more day willna make a difference, ye ken. I want – hell, need – to take care of Emma's step-brother first."

My ire for the man flared to life like embers on a fire. "Thomas James."

Ian nodded. "Aye. I'll take care of the bastard."

Through gritted teeth, I replied, "Good."

"You'll protect her?" With the change in topic, he turned his head to look at me. His eyes were...bleak.

"Of course. You take care of her step-brother, I'll watch over her."

"I hadn't expected this to happen so quickly. I kent Evers would come after me eventually, but right after we found Emma? A cruel twist of fate. We've only just made her ours. I should be here with you both, as she should be trained by both her men. This fuck-all situation is preventing this."

We learned more in Mohamir than defending the Crown. When we were in charge of protecting a local secular leader – a man with three brothers, all of whom shared a wife. We discovered the staid Victorian ways we'd been raised with were only for the man's gain. In England, a woman was a husband's property, to use and abuse as he saw fit, all the while fucking a string of mistresses, leaving his wife cold and unfulfilled. The Mohamiran leader's wife, when we met her, was a submissive in the five-person marriage, but was quite happy. She was cherished – a word the leader used frequently – and protected by not one man, but several. Her needs were met, every carnal desire fulfilled. When one of the brothers had died in a fall from a horse, she was not left alone, destitute and without a means to support herself or her children. We learned much from the leader, from all of the brothers, and we chose to follow the Mohamiran culture's claiming of a bride.

England was not the place to fulfill this alternative way of life. It would be too hard to hide. America, especially the West, was a new frontier, where open land abounded and men were free.

Ian and I had been close like brothers for years. There had been no question we would share a bride. Until Emma, the woman was just a dream. And now, she was upstairs, sleeping off our attentions. No way in bloody hell would Ian miss out on her. Evers wouldn't take that away from him as he had his rank, his military career and his country.

"Go. Take care of the problem, then come back."

"Her arse is mine, Kane." He looked at me directly. Clearly.

I nodded. "I'll get her ready for you."

I'd taken her virginity, her maidenhead. He would claim her arse.

"I'll be back."


It was the second morning I awoke engulfed in a man's embrace. This one, however, was not Ian. I'd come to recognize my men quickly – had it only been two days? – and they felt differently, smelled differently, held me differently.

This was Kane. His hands were rougher. His scent was...him. Woodsy, fresh air. Cinnamon. Ian held me like two spoons in a drawer. Kane had me sprawled across the top of him, one of my legs tossed over his, my breasts pressed into him, the sprinkling of dark hair on his chest tickling me. I was comfortably settled with my head on his shoulder, my nose nudging his neck. I breathed him in, relishing his stillness. I could take my time to study him, think about him, what he and Ian had done to me the night before. The last I remembered, I was on my belly, my knees tucked beneath me, both men's hands between my spread thighs. They'd worked both my holes and I came, again and again. I'd been mindless, lost to the pleasure they'd wrung from my body. I hadn't cared that two men were touching me. I hadn't cared that Ian's fingers had penetrated my bottom. I hadn't cared that I'd sucked both men's cocks and swallowed all of their seed. They'd made it seem intimate and special and that my body was made just for them.

For, it seemed, it was. All of my senses awakened when I was with them. The depth of feeling was unlike I’d ever known before. My skin was more sensitive, my body more responsive. I felt delicious and wanton and delicate and brave. The last was more coerced than the others, but nonetheless, Ian and Kane made me feel. I had no idea what had been lacking in my life until now. It was early days yet, but I was ever so thankful that Thomas was such a terrible man and chose to leave me at the brothel. If not, I'd still be alone and bored tending to his children and assisting in quilt making and church lunches completely unaware of the bond between a woman and her husbands.

In the safe confine of Kane's arms, I assessed my body. I was sated, relaxed but there was something in my bottom, something hard and it filled me up. Clenching down, I tried to force it out, but it wouldn't budge. It had to be the plug they'd used yesterday before dinner, but put it in me once again after I fell asleep. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it was...there.

His dark chest hair was right there to touch. I hadn't had a chance to lay with him when we were awake. The man was all action and authority. Now, with him asleep, I could feel his heart beating beneath my cheek, watch the rise and fall of his chest. The soft springy hair on his chest tickled and I carefully ran a finger through it. His skin was remarkably soft for someone so strong.

"I can hear you thinking," Kane murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic