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"You can pay off your debt in one evening. Tonight, in fact."

This sounded appealing, but I knew there would be a high personal price. She might be selling carnal pleasures, but this was all business.

"Oh?" I queried, very nervous about what she would say.

"A marriage auction."

I paused and stared at Mrs. Pratt. Did she say marriage and auction together? As in I would be auctioned off to a potential groom?

"I beg your pardon?" I replied, confused.

Mrs. Pratt smiled softly. "I know of several men who are seeking a wife who can handle their more intense sexual natures and dominant personalities."

I frowned. I most certainly couldn't meet those requirements. "As you've said yourself, I am a virgin. I don't know anything about...intense sexual natures."

"Good." She gave a decisive head nod. "I didn't say you needed to know anything about that, but that you could handle it."

I frowned. "There's a difference?"

"Vastly." I waited for her to clarify, but she remained silent.

"How are you so sure I can handle these...expectations?"

"From what Mr. James mentioned, you were aroused by the sight of a woman being fucked. Is this an accurate statement?"

I tried my best not to squirm. To admit I'd been aroused by witnessing Clara's pleasure would mean I was just like any of Mrs. Pratt's girls. It meant I truly was a voyeur, a whore even. Perhaps I did belong in a brothel.

"Well?" Mrs. Pratt asked.

"The woman was pleasured by both men. I had no idea such things were possible."

Her eyes widened slightly. "There were two men then? And you were aroused as you watched this? Interesting." When I remained silent, afraid to let any more secrets slip, she continued. "So you were aroused?" She'd twisted my words around to fit her needs. "Come, Miss James, there's no need to fear speaking your feelings with me. I am a Madame. I've seen and heard it all. Nothing you, a virgin, could admit would shock me."

I couldn't voice the words, but nodded.

"Did you like watching?"

I nodded again. "I liked seeing the first man and the woman. I could have done without watching my stepbrother engaged in such activities."

"Wished it had been you that was being fucked?"

I met her clear gaze. Held it. "Yes," I whispered.

She stood, the satin sheen of her dress catching the light. "What choice do you make? Work here or marry the highest bidder?" Her blue eyes watched me. Waited.

Her words made my life seem so negligible, as if the choice were easy. I'd only woken up to this situation only minutes ago, my head still pounded from the after effects. I was now to choose my fate? "I will not marry myself to a man such as Thomas." I clenched my hands in my lap. "A multitude of men using my body is nothing in comparison to a lifetime of dishonesty, indifference and infidelity. It would be a prison without any means of escape. You met him. To suggest a permanent arrangement with the likes of him would make you of the same ilk."

A hint of emotion shown in the woman's eye. Admiration? Surprise? I couldn't be sure. "I would never marry a woman to a man who was anything but generous and caring. I am stringent in the men to whom I serve, yet protective of the women I provide. Remember, being dominant in the bedroom is quite the opposite of being cruel."

I didn't know what she meant by the last. "Why marriage? Why not just sell my virginity?"

"You would gain nothing after the first man breaching your maidenhead. You would be tarnished and your value would be that of every other girl in my employ. You would then be unmarriageable and your fate sealed. Marriage will maintain your respectability. I don't stand for men who only take from women and give nothing in return. Or you may remain here and work to earn your keep."

I had no interest in becoming a prostitute, the idea made me want to vomit, but I could only accept the woman's reassurance that I would not be shackled to a man such as Thomas on blind faith. Her oddly placed values – the need to marry me off to make money all the while maintaining my virtue – was an odd twist on my scenario and painted her in a slightly different light.

"I can imagine the life of a wife readily enough. Perhaps you can describe my other choice."

Her lip quirked up at my request. "Most girls work from six at night until six in the morning, servicing as many as twenty men. You'll soon discover your best skills and be known for them. At first, of course, it will be your innocence, but once that fades, you'll have to decide." She shrugged negligently. "Some go for straight fucking, others are known for their cock sucking. A few enjoy being fucked in the ass. Then there's being tied up, role playing, ménage, the list is quite long really."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic