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“Why did you leave, baby?”

I couldn’t look at Liam for this. It hurt too much.

He tipped my chin up, made me look at him. “I… I couldn’t hurt you like that.”

Porter groaned. “I hurt you, sweetness. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said. Not one word.”

Porter loosened his hold and Liam took me from his lap, moved to sit on the bed so I was on his lap instead. Porter took my hands, rubbed my knuckles. His eyes met mine and I saw anguish there. “A long time ago, I was in a relationship with a woman who got in trouble with the law. I worked at the DA’s office and her case came up, but got thrown out because of our relationship.”

What? How dare that woman use Porter like that. “It wasn’t your fault.”

He shrugged. “It was a long, complicated legal mess, but she got away with it, I got fired and pretty much lost all chances of being hired in that town. That’s why I moved back home.” Sighing, he continued. “Like I said, that was years ago. I let that mess cloud my judgment with you. I jumped to conclusions when I shouldn’t have.”

“You thought I was with you because of my brother’s mess.”

He actually blushed and looked away for a moment. “For a little while earlier, yes. It seems you’re not the only one with trust issues, sweetness.”

The ache that had been lodged in my chest like a knife lessened. They were here, they were holding me and it felt… perfect.

“We apprehended two men from Clayton,” Liam said. “One had a hook for a nose.”

I stiffened at the mention of the guys from the bar. “Ah, I guess you know who I’m talking about.”

“I only met them once. Well, I didn’t meet them, they approached me at Cassidy’s. Threatened me.”

Porter’s hand tightened around mine.

“The night I picked you up?” Liam asked.


“You didn’t have your period, you were upset because of them,” he added, putting it all together. “I’m the sheriff and some guys just threatened to kill you. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Sweetness, why didn’t you tell us?” Porter repeated, much more calmly than Liam. “What’s the point of having two big men like us around if we can’t protect you?”

I gave Porter a small smile. “They said they’d kill Tommy. And me, if I told you.”

I felt a growl rumble through Liam’s chest. “Tommy rolled on them. They talked.”

I gasped. “What do you mean? You caught Tommy?”

Porter looked over my head at Liam, then back at me. “You didn’t know?”

I shook my head.

“Earlier today. He was holed up at a friend’s house. His car was spotted from the road and we arrested him.”

I felt… sad that Tommy was in jail, but it was where he belonged.

“Tommy gave information about the guys who approached you.”

“I wasn’t going to do it!” I gripped the front of Liam’s uniform shirt. “I couldn’t write fake prescriptions. I couldn’t mess with Dr. Metzger like that, and I couldn’t imagine where the drugs would end up, who’d get hurt. Besides, I’d be too nervous and wouldn’t be able to get away with it. I promise. I wouldn’t have done it.”

Liam put a finger over my lips. “Shh. We know and so does Dr. Metzger. I called her earlier with an update about her case. She said she welcomes you back, but said to take this week off, with pay, to have a well-earned break.”

I ducked my head, relieved to still have the job and my relationship with the doctor not in tatters. I knew Liam and Porter didn’t want me to work two jobs, but it wasn’t about working them, but having them. I didn’t want to lose my job because of Tommy, because of this mess, and perhaps Liam didn’t say anything about it since he understood.

“Those assholes, they’re why you left?”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Grade-A Beefcakes Erotic