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Was I crazy to say that? Now, after such a short time? I couldn’t help what I felt for him, for Cash, too. I wanted it all. Nothing between us. No barriers, literally and figuratively. Starting now with Bennett, and tomorrow with Cash.

Bennett froze, eyes searching mine. Whatever he saw, he agreed with, for he moved his hands, rested them on the bed beside him. “I’m clean. I’d never hurt you. Not in this. Not in anything.” And when I took him back in me again, began to set a pace that made my blood heat, my clit throb, he gripped the sheets, practically ripped them from the bed.


I was in charge, took what I wanted, learned I wasn’t frigid at all. I was hot and bothered. Wild and passionate. His hand slipped between us, over my clit, over where we were joined, then went around behind me, found my back entrance.

I stilled. Gasped. “Bennett,” I breathed.

“Just a little play here. I don’t have any lube, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

His fingertip brushed softly, circled. “It doesn’t hurt.”

Far from it. God, it felt so good. I had no idea. Sizzling hot. Electrifying. It pushed me to the brink in a flash.

“Oh my god,” I gasped, beginning to ride him again. He kept his slick finger there, just pressing lightly. Nothing more, although the light touch had me wanting him to press in. To fill me.

“We’ll get some lube, Angel, and I’ll get in you here.” He tapped my bottom. “I promise.”

With a hand on his chest, I rode him. Sweat bloomed on my skin, my pussy getting wetter the more he touched me. The more I fucked him the way I liked. I’d been in charge, but with first-time ass play, I couldn’t hold back. It was too much. Too good. And when I came and cried out his name, I held his gaze, knew this was so much more than one day of being together. This was… everything.



* * *

I woke up to an empty bed. In a haze of sleep, Bennett had whispered to me, telling me even though it was Sunday, he had to meet a client and when I got up, to come down to the barn. I’d been excited to see what he did, but after Bennett had his way with me twice during the night, I fell right back asleep.

An hour later, after showering and pouring myself a cup of coffee from the pot he’d left warm for me in the kitchen, I walked down to the barn.

For a city slicker, Bennett had bought a big piece of land. It was a pretty setting, with acres of slightly rolling hills. The mountains were in the distance and a stream meandered through with cottonwood trees lining the banks. I’d met Mr. and Mrs. Lansing, who’d previously owned the property, a few times growing up, friends of my grandparents. Mrs. Lansing died in her sleep a few years back and more recently, Mr. Lansing decided to sell and move to Oregon to be closer to his son. They’d grown alfalfa and kept a few animals, but nothing like the head of cattle the Duke ranch had. I wondered if Bennett had any intentions to grow crops, which I seemed to doubt, or perhaps lease the fields.

I turned and glanced back at the house. Two story, typical farmhouse with a gray metal roof, normal for this area to help the snow slide off. The place needed work, but had good bones. A good feel. The renovations he’d made so far were smart and well done. But I was curious to see how someone turned a barn that once housed a bunch of farm animals into a motorcycle shop. And I wanted to see Bennett. It was silly to say I missed him after only an hour or so, but I did.

Walking across the open field between his house and barn, I realized I loved him. It gave me pause because it was insane. I’d met him on Friday! Even crazier was that I loved Cash, too, even if I didn’t really like him at the moment. I wouldn’t have been so upset about what he’d said and done the day before otherwise.

How was it possible? Could a heart, which had been empty for so long, just fill right up? It wasn’t just the sex. Well, it was partially, but it was what sex with Cash and Bennett did to me.

They made me confident. They made me whole. I’d been going through the motions for months watching my friends and family find love. One right after the other, starting with Duke and Jed. Tucker and Colton had fallen next, followed by Gus and the guys, even Porter and the sheriff. I’d been happy for them, but seeing the action from the sidelines and not getting in on the game myself had been depressing. Sad. Even a little heartbreaking.

I kept on walking. Pondered.

I wouldn’t have given my heart to any guy—like I had any say in the matter—because Frank hadn’t gotten any part of me. He’d seen my body, touched it, been inside of me, but I hadn’t given myself to him.

The barn was huge, perhaps ten stalls long and a second story hay loft. The structure had a new coat of paint, new windows down the length to let light in. Animals hadn’t needed them, but it seemed Bennett did.

I opened the people-sized door to the left of the big sliding barn doors and went inside. The space was bright—along with the new windows, skylights had been added into the sloped roof—and clean. No animal smells. In fact, inside, it didn’t look much like a barn at all. Usually, the walls were just studs and exterior siding, no insulation, but drywall had been added throughout, probably insulated, too, and painted a bright white. The floor was concrete with a layer of gray sealant. The animal stalls were gone. Only one was saved in the back corner, but the walls went all the way up to the ceiling and had been turned into what looked like an office. From across the space I could see that glass was put in where the open upper half of the stall had been. I heard voices coming from within, but from this angle, couldn’t see Bennett or the client. Not wanting to disturb them, I took a moment to look around.

I took a sip of my coffee, noticed the space was a lot like Carter’s Auto Shop with its tools, parts, work counters and heavy machinery. Sturdy metal construction and chains, weird contraptions I didn’t even recognize were around the one open room. There were no cars like Cash had. Instead there were five motorcycles in various stages of completion, and a single ATV parked in the corner. It had a plow attachment on the front, and I assumed Bennett used it in the snowy months to clear paths.

Everything was immaculate and tidy. Just like Bennett himself. While his house was only partially completed, it was neat and well thought out.

The bike nearest me leaned on its kickstand, gleaming chrome and black from tire to tire. I knew nothing about motorcycles, but it was gorgeous. Pipes and handlebars all appeared custom. I was afraid to touch and get fingerprints on it. They were fancy—although I wouldn’t tell Bennett that. These were a work of art and no wonder he had a wait list, and from what Ava said, it included Colton. Based on the space he’d made here and the size of the property he’d purchased, he did exceptionally well.

I walked from bike to bike, seeing what Bennett intended for them. Amazed by his artistic eye and craftsmanship. My marketing mind went wild with the glossy brochures and slick web site that could be made to promote his work.

The exterior door opened behind me and I spun about, barely preventing my coffee from sloshing out of the mug.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Grade-A Beefcakes Erotic