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“Then what’s got your panties in a twist?” Kemp asked, turning the focus dial and looking down the lens.

“She shouldn’t be out there, dealing with the fuck ups of society.” I lifted my arm, waved it in the air. “I know them. I was one of them.”

“You were not,” Kemp replied. “You saved your mom from your abusive father. You were defending her. You did the right thing.”

I ran my hand through my hair. I needed a haircut, but that wasn’t very high on my list. Maybe this winter I’d grow a beard like Gus. Less maintenance than shaving every damn day, but I had to wonder if that was something Parker would like. “Still, she doesn’t need to see that shit, let alone deal with it. She might get hurt.”

Kemp and Gus were protective fuckers, took care of what was theirs. Who was theirs. Especially women. Sure, they hadn’t liked her almost sharing her pink, wet pussy with us and then tugging up her jeans and running out the door, the stray dog hot on her heels. But why it didn’t bother them that Parker had to leave us for a domestic dispute call, I had no idea. Well, maybe I did.

There was no fucking way Mr. Duke would lay a hand on his wife in anger. He cherished the fuck out of that woman and he’d raised all three of his sons, Gus, Tucker and Duke, to not only be gentlemen, but to do what was right. Protect. I had no idea how their little sister, Julia, would ever find a man with three older brothers watching out for her.

As for Kemp, I’d only met his parents once since they lived in Minnesota, but his dad wouldn’t stand for any of that shit either.

But I’d grown up with a bastard for a dad. Mean. Cruel. And I’d killed him because of it. But knowing Parker had gone—as part of her job—to confront someone as possibly fucked up as my dad made me restless, made me want to chase after her, deal with the problem myself.

“She doesn’t go into shit alone. She’s got backup,” Gus said. “Look, I’m not wild about it either, but this is her job, what she wants to do. She’s smart. She’s trained. You’re going to have to deal at least until election day. Right now, it’s Hogan versus Beirstad.”

“Yeah, Beirstad. What a prick. Isn’t his brother the one who fucked with Kaitlyn?”

“That’s the one,” Gus said. I’d heard about the confrontation at Cassidy’s and that he was leaving Kaitlyn alone now, but that didn’t make him any less an asshole. I didn’t know much about the guy, but his brother, Mark, was just as bad from what I’d heard.

“The city council felt she was qualified and she seems to be doing a good job.”

He was right, but that didn’t mean I had to like any of it. Let Hogan and Beirstad deal with the meth heads and wife beaters. Raines was a peaceful town, but that didn’t mean everything was rainbows and sunshine. “Why can’t she have a job like Kaitlyn? The only danger she faces at the library is a paper cut.”

Why couldn’t my dick get hard for a woman who had a safe career? Why did one look at Parker ruin me for all other women? And that was before she’d submitted to Kemp and had been ready to show us her pussy. Begged for us to fuck her in the office kitchen. FUCK!

“I’m not doubting Parker’s qualifications to be sheriff or that she can take care of herself, but like I said, that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Gus shrugged and couldn’t help but smile. He’d told us about Parker Drew and her return to town. His mom was on the city council and among those who’d voted to hire her, so there was no doubt she’d tossed that little bomb at him since she wanted all her kids happily married—and at least practicing on making her some grandbabies. Maybe Mrs. Duke was hoping for a little second chance romance.

Second chance fucking, definitely. After lunch today, hopefully soon.

Parker—as sheriff—had had to go to the Duke ranch and deal with some loser and Gus had seen her, wanted her. Decided she’d be the one for the three of us. Hoped we’d agree.

Abso-fucking-lutely should she be the one for us. What were the chances a woman wanted to take on three men? Kaitlyn and Ava decided to wrangle two guys each, but three? The hopes of finding a woman willing to do that were slim. That was, until Parker had walked into the office kitchen and I’d vowed then and there I’d do anything to get her to want us.

She was The One. No question.

And then she’d changed everything with the words I want to see whose dick really is the biggest. There was no way to misconstrue that. She wanted to be with the three of us.

> I shifted my dick, trying to find a way to keep from getting a zipper imprint in it.

And then she’d gone even further, submitting to Kemp. Fuck, I’d been hard ever since seeing her perfect ass, watching her hips shift with need, the dark spot on her panties grow as Gus talked dirty to her. I was definitely an ass man. I’d envisioned getting a grip on those wide hips as I fucked her from behind. Or seeing pink handprints where I spanked her into forgetting about her crazy day. Or parting those full cheeks and getting into that tight ass. Stretching her open and taking her deep. That left two other holes for Gus and Kemp.

Ever since lunch, since Parker got that fucking call, pulled up her pants and left, the two of them couldn’t stop smiling. I could understand Gus since he’d busted a nut all over her ass, but Kemp should have a serious case of blue balls. I did. And the very idea of the three of us claiming her at once? I’d forced myself to will my dick into submission while I worked and tried not to think about the heaven she’d almost shown us. That wasn’t working so well.

“A gorgeous woman is coming over tonight to continue where we left off, most likely to fuck all three of us and you’re grumbling and complaining like a crochety old man,” Kemp said as he tossed the slide into the sharps container, tugged off his rubber gloves and washed his hands in the sink.

I perked up at his words. “She’s coming over?”

“Have you checked your phone lately?” Gus asked, pulling his from the back pocket of his jeans and waving it back and forth. “I got her cell number, remember?”

“I was dealing with Mr. Bracco’s geriatric cat, followed by Charlie the Shepherd, then a parrot who lost a toenail,” I replied as way of recapping my busy afternoon, completely forgetting he’d snagged her number before she ran out.

“I thought I heard a bird,” Gus said as I retrieved my cell, swiped the screen.

* * *

Tags: Vanessa Vale Grade-A Beefcakes Erotic