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Tucker had said that the other day. At the time, it had pissed me off, not because he was all annoyingly sure of himself, which he definitely was, but because he’d probably been right.

They’d been hounding me for weeks. Ever since I’d first met Tucker at Cassidy’s last month. The Dukes had had a family dinner there. Since the oldest, Landon Duke, had taken one look at my BFF, Kaitlyn, and fallen in love, I’d been invited to join them. So had Jed Cassidy—fallen in love with Kaitlyn, that was. Both of them had claimed her.

Yeah, it sounded a little old-fashioned, but watching them together only proved Kaitlyn had really been claimed. Heart and body. I’d never seen her so happy, so content. So well-fucked. God, those two were hot—I’d even asked for Duke’s number once, but he’d only had eyes for Kaitlyn.

I was thrilled for them, completely. Duke wasn’t for me. Well, not Landon Duke. It seemed Tucker Duke was the one to melt my butter. And Colton Ridge, too.

Was there something in the water that had me and Kaitlyn being greedy enough to want two men each? I hadn’t had much success with one so far and now I wanted two. I did. I wanted them. No matter how much I behaved otherwise.

But, it seemed both Tucker and Colton wanted me in return. They’d said it. Shown it by practically stalking me. For a month. If Perry had done the same thing, I’d have had him arrested. But with the two big, hot cowboys? Totally hot. Every single visit was foreplay. Not that I was going to tell them that. If I gave them an inch, they’d run roughshod over me. And there was no way I’d let them do that. My father had done that enough.

I might look high-maintenance, but I could hold my own when it came to the Wild Wild West. You couldn’t tell it by my dressier-than-required outfits, but I’d been able to ride a horse and lasso a calf, castrate a bull and fix fence posts by the time I was fifteen. Beneath my designer denim and heels, I was all cowgirl. It was my father’s own fault, shipping me off to the family ranch in the Colorado Rockies each summer to get me out of his hair. It had been pretty boring—at first—but the people who ran the place had taken me under their wing, taught me everything they knew. Then, I never wanted to leave. I’d felt more at home, felt more like I’d belonged, than anywhere else.

If people had pre-conceived notions about me, then that was their problem, not mine.

As for Tucker and Colton, it was like they had ESP when it came to me. Even though we hadn’t even kissed, they somehow knew I’d like it—fucking—a little wild. Sometimes needed it rough. Needed to be told what to do. I wanted a bossy lover—or two.

Which went completely against everything I’d fought against all my life.

Bossy men.

It was a circle jerk I didn’t want to be a part of. Perry and my dad pissed me off trying to get me to be a pawn in their little world, pestering me like wild billy goats wanting some attention. Just driving in the middle of Nowhere, Montana, and I got all riled up. When I’d been in Denver, it had made me crazy. Crazy enough to walk away from it all. From my dad’s pettiness. From the money, the fancy parties. Everything, to buy an agricultural store, the Raines Seed and Feed and settle in to the small house beside it. Insane? Yes, but it had been easy. Limp Dick did nothing for me and I’d wanted to be as far from him as possible. Far from the life I’d been forced into like cattle in a chute.

Sure, I might have an MBA, but the only good it would have done for me popping out a few mini-Perrys was figuring out the best deal on mustard at the grocery store. Now, I had my own business and I was working it. Making it mine. It felt good to literally get my hands dirty. And those pre-conceived notions? Even in Raines there were a bunch. A woman like me shouldn’t be getting her manicure all messed up with running a Seed and Feed. What did I know about barbed wire fencing and salt licks for horses?

They could all just kiss my ass.

And the funny thing was, Tucker and Colton wanted to. And that was just plain hot.

I’d spent the past weeks thinking of them, lying in bed at night and fantasizing. Imagining what it would be like with two men. God, there would be hands everywhere. Double the mouths, double the dicks. I was wet all the time and the fact two bossy, cocky cowboys made me this way only riled me even more. I was cranky with them because I was horny. Spreading my thig

hs and making myself come to visions of two cocky grins wasn’t enough. I shouldn’t be that way and I was mad at them about it.

It was ALL their fault.

I growled, frustrated, all but strangled the truck’s steering wheel in a tight grip. I had a set of girl blue balls and I’d quickly learned my vibrator wasn’t going to make it go away.

And this was why I was making the delivery today. I’d texted with Kaitlyn earlier—she’d been at work and couldn’t talk on the phone, especially about this, in the small library—and gotten some girl help on my problem. Yeah, two hot cowboys wanting me was a terrible problem. But I’d walked away from a life with alpha males. Did I really want to take on two new ones? The fact that the answer was yes made me go insane.

We were both fairly new to town and had become quick friends because of that alone. She was shy and reserved, a book nerd who hid behind her glasses. She was working on her issues caused by her dad. With two jobs, she’d been working herself weary. Until Jed and Duke. I was the complete opposite, wilder and high-maintenance, but had issues with my own father—although there was no comparison between hers being a drunk felon who’d almost killed Mr. and Mrs. Duke and mine wanting me to marry his second-in-command.

Varying personalities aside, we were both into a Duke boy… and a second. While she certainly hadn’t been living vicariously through me—more like the other way around—I’d kept her up to date on how Tucker and/or Colton kept coming to the store and how I felt about that.

* * *

Me: They drive me crazy.

Kaitlyn: Good crazy?

Me: They’re bossy and too hot for their own good. They remind me of my father.

Kaitlyn: They do no such thing.

Me: OK. They don’t. But they tell me what to do. Grr.

Kaitlyn: Are you talking about my men because it sure sounds like them (smiley face emoji)

Me: Tucker and Colton.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Grade-A Beefcakes Erotic