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Back in my own cabin, I do my best to get my mind off Harper. I try to read a chapter of a new book, but give up after thirty minutes of staring at the same page. Harper isn’t just playing at the back of my mind – she’s at the forefront.

What is it about her? There’s something about her sweet, sing-song voice that makes it hard to think of anything else – well, that, and her gorgeous body, even hidden under the few layers that she was wearing when we met.

Maybe a shower will help this goddamn ache in my cock. But as I strip down, I can’t help but think of her – can't help but think of this woman, the way the shape of her looked moving against the light of her cabin. Was she really stripping naked? The thought of it is enough to make me stir, and I slide into the shower, hoping that the cold water will be enough to cool me off.

But, if anything, it only makes my predicament worse. My cock is hard already and I take it into my hand, squeezing gently as I begin to stroke myself. I close my eyes, let my head lean back against the tiled wall behind me, and imagine that it is her hand on me instead. Fuck, yes – her small hand wrapped around my cock, her sweet voice in my ear, the feel of her breath against my skin. I can almost feel her breasts pressed against me, slick with the water and the soap, and it takes everything that I have not to growl with desire.

How would her body feel against mine? Soft, supple – it has been a long time since I’ve had a woman in this place with me and it takes everything that I have not to turn off the shower and march down to her place and tell her that she’s going to be lodging here with me instead. I want to get my hands on her, see if her curves feel as good in person as they do in my head. I stroke myself faster, clenching my jaw, almost able to feel her fingers moving against my bare chest as the water trickles down over my skin.

The way she looked at me, I could tell that she was thinking much the same thing that I am. That she wants me. That she desires me. I don’t know if she intends to do anything about it, but I am more than happy to indulge whatever little fantasies she wants to live out while she’s here.

My breath is coming faster now, unable to hide my want, and it doesn’t take long till I find my release, letting out a groan of pleasure as I finish. Thinking of her. Wishing that it was her hand around my cock instead of mine.

I clean myself up and step out of the shower – shit, I need a drink. If I am going to be able to get through everything that is going to happen over the course of this weekend, I might need several.

I text Grant as I head down to the Rusty Nail, the bar that we always go to when we’ve got some serious talking to do. Grant lives out in Cherry Falls with his bride Goldie, but he’s been my best friend since damn near forever.

He’s the guy that I go to when I’ve got shit to figure out, and I know that he’ll be ready to tease the hell out of me for even letting a passing crush on this girl take hold. I don’t want to let it get under my skin. I need to exorcise it before I do something stupid.

The Rusty Nail is already half-full by the time I get there, and Grant is running late. I take a seat at the bar, and the bartender comes over to me.

"Can I get you something?" he asks. He’s not as sweet as the girl who usually works here.

"Whiskey," I reply, meeting his tone. He eyes me for a moment before he backs off and goes to get me my drink. Who the hell is he? I’ve heard some people talking about the new owner of the bar – Sawyer something, I think – but this guy is going to have to switch up his attitude if he wants to make sure that he keeps people coming back.

But I don’t have so long to linger on that before Grant appears next to me, slaps a hand on my shoulder, and takes the stool next to mine.

"Well, hi there, stranger," he greets me, lifting his hand to catch the bartender’s eye and ordering himself a beer.

"Been far too long," he remarks, touching his bottle against my glass as soon as he gets it. "What brings you down from the mountains? Wild animals chase you out or something?"

Tags: Frankie Love Romance