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Chapter Ten


My eyes flutter open, and I smile as soon as I hear Cliff in the kitchen. He is singing to himself, some song that I don’t recognize, but, in his deep voice, it sounds like home.

I’m not sure how late the two of us stayed up together last night – talking, holding each other, fooling around, getting to know every inch of one another’s bodies the best way we know how. But one thing that I am clear on, one thing I know for sure, is that I am happy, right here, in his bed. The sunlight pouring through the window beside me, lighting everything up, making everything feel as though it has come straight from a fairytale.

"Don’t go anywhere," he calls to me from the kitchen, as though he can sense that I am already awake – how does he know? I smile, lean back against the pillows.

"I’m going to make you breakfast," he continues, and I close my eyes. I never want this to end.

But I know that I am going to have to go back to my life in Cherry Falls soon enough. My father needs me. And besides – Cliff has been out here on his own for so long now. Does he really want some woman in his life after all this time? I want to ask him, but I don’t know how to put it into words. Not without making it sound profoundly needy and strange, that’s for sure.

But I do feel needy for him. I can’t deny that. When I look at him, there is this sense of stillness around me, even amongst the waves that are my normal life. He grounds me in a way that I have been searching for.

I have no idea how I am meant to navigate those feelings. Is this just what happens the first time that you have sex with someone? Maybe he’s going to think I’m crazy. Or maybe the softness in his eyes, the way that he looks at me, maybe that means that he feels the same way I do. Maybe...

I can still hear him moving in the kitchen, and I decide that I am going to join him and help out – it’s only fair that I pull my weight around here, isn’t it? I don’t want him to think that I am taking any of his kindness for granted...

But just as I am about to head out of the bedroom, I hear a knock on the door, and I hold back. I don’t want anyone else to know that I am here – who knows what they might say if they find out that Cliff is hooking up with one of the guests? I bite my lip to keep in a little giggle at the thought, and wait for him to deal with whoever is waiting there.

I listen to the door open, and then, a moment later, Cliff greeting whoever is on the other side. Okay, all normal, nothing to worry about–

And then, the person who has come to find him replies. And my stomach drops.

I recognize that voice – I know who that is.

It’s my father.

Chapter Eleven


"Sorry to bother you so early," the man remarks. "I’m looking for the manager, and one of the other campers out here said that you were the best person to talk to."

"Yes, of course," I reply, running my hand through my hair and hoping that I don’t look too rattled at being disturbed first thing. I can’t stop thinking about Harper, naked, in bed, waiting for me. I want to get my hands on her, but I’ll deal with this first.

"I’m Harrison Higgins," the man explains, extending his hand out to me. "I’m the preacher doing the ceremony later this afternoon...?”

I stare at him for a moment. Wait. Wait a second. Harrison... Higgins? A preacher? That can only mean...

I step outside of the cabin and close the door behind me, hoping that Harper hasn’t heard what’s going on out here. My mind races. So, he’s part of the group we were organizing for earlier in the week? Shit. He’s here. I have thought about meeting Harper’s family, of course I have, but this is a little sooner than I imagined it would be...

"So sorry to bother you, but I wasn’t sure what covered area was reserved for us," he says as I walk him back towards the main office.

“Of course I can help you with that. It’s the one up the main road, to the right. Area number four. I thought you were coming in a few hours or I’d have been there.”

“Early bird gets the worm, you know?” he jokes, but then he stops in his tracks. My stomach clenches with panic. Has he sensed it? Guessed that I have been with his daughter?

Tags: Frankie Love Romance